From construction engineering point of view, the 門當 was used to strengthen the upper door frame, such that the door frame could support the weights of the bricks & roof structure on top of the door ...
elloi 發表於 2011-2-19 02:59 AM ![]( In the above, I think you wish to express your views on “戶對”instead of “門當”. May I refer you to the following description in the essay at #1: “門當”是門旁的兩個石雕,方形的是“文官”而圓形的是“武官”。....
I understand that both “門當”與“戶對” are intended to serve for decorative purposes and to sound out the status of the people living inside. The following is also quoted from the essay at #1: “門當”與“戶對”是古民居建築中大門建築的組成部分,這種用於鎮宅的建築裝飾現今存留不多了。 有“戶對”的宅院,必須有“門當”,這是建築學上的和諧美學原理。 |