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在内蒙古额济纳旗达莱湖布鎮西南约28公里的地方,有一片大约在25平方公里只有干枯的树枝没有树叶生长的胡杨林,这就是著名的“怪树林”。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 ~; k& B, T/ C6 ?% ^
公仔箱論壇9 J* g2 i+ d# T; l; a
胡杨是树木中起源最早的类群,被称之为植物的“活化石”,一棵胡杨的主根,可以穿越地层一百多米,“生而不死一千年,死而不倒一千年,倒而不朽一千年”。公仔箱論壇8 v4 y6 H6 E5 |  p, ?2 q  l: o

& ?, P9 u" w# ~" w$ R; ?& h4 U公仔箱論壇怪树林其实是荒漠中一大片死去的胡杨林的残骸,历经数百年而不腐烂,仿佛还在延续着顽强的“生命”。大片枯死的胡杨树干依然直立在戈壁荒漠之上,形成形态怪异的悲凉景观。) z8 S' E" A/ }+ H7 L' `/ h7 t

$ j; }' ]! d" s) M, C7 }tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
听当地人说苍凉的“怪树林”,据说是古代将军及众将士不死的灵魂所在。虽然这样的说法实在是无从考究也不足矣让人相信,不过这片枯死的胡杨林的确是如此的苍凉而美丽……* h! H: b/ _4 z3 L1 R/ f
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. x7 {) d2 {$ f7 N, Q% b/ x, ]! {
/ m8 g# A9 _9 N

7 E0 N" f- q: Z; j+ L: ^6 C5.39.217.76" A# j% q9 W; Z3 _. z, K
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枯死的胡楊樹東倒西歪,神態各異, 其奇異的造型,給人似死一般的沉默和悲蒼童景色.


  • k23bb

本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2010-3-19 12:52 PM 編輯 ?# L# |5 c( ?1 v3 R2 V- n7 P

) D/ Q+ @; @9 n5.39.217.76Even the populus euphratica, with its poor conditions and little means struggled to live and keep it standing still ... giving its best. The language here is plain and reflects that life is to be respected and live well. Life live right, is life well spent, let your heart be willing cos' life is given to us freely as a gift. Sometimes, before we realised it, a little late, is much too late.   
( y& t/ D: g# R% o0 x. x公仔箱論壇( v3 F+ D5 Y8 u; w) v% \! |
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 {. x7 o' V  m( q0 n* b
Actually, some buddhist and catholic monks their flesh bodies remained after death. Some articles I read about why bodies are well perserved after death especially monks, cos some religious sect. they fast without food drinking salt water only when nearing death. One reason why some bodies are preserved, after death. And of course there could be other reasons as well.


  • k23bb



  • k23bb
