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用Allok Video to DVD Burner燒碟簡單一問

我用Allok Video to DVD Burner燒碟時,係應該選PAL定係NTSC?係咪部DVD機係日本同大陸排子就選PAL?外國排子就選NTSC?
我用Allok Video to DVD Burner燒碟時,係應該選PAL定係NTSC?係咪部DVD機係日本同大陸排子就選PAL?外國排子就選NTSC?
紫蒼天 發表於 2010-2-5 04:43 PM
it's depend on what kind of dvd & tv that you have.If both can play pal & ntsc,that means whatever you do  is ok.

if dvd play pal but tv is ntsc,whatever you do is not work.

so,you need to check your dvd & tv first.