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版主你好, 第8集放錯了無用的謊言上去, 勞煩更正它, 謝謝
1# Gunnar
it good
EP8 Fix it !!
many thx for sharing the fixed ep08
Thank you, completed!
How long is the longing?
Can you please provide another link for Longing 8 part 1? It is very slow! Please see link on part 1 download time required.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/ ... view?usp=drive_link
Frustratingly longing.
多謝樓主的無私分享,辛苦樓主你啦,thank you for your sharing。
Impossible too long.
Too much trouble to sign in everytime
Episode 7 & 8 unable to download. Captcha no respond. Please reupload. Thanks.第7、8集無法下載。驗證碼無反應。請重新上傳。謝謝。
Thanks for sharing.
Once again I long to show.