OMG, 原來我都係 old ghost , 只是停咗2年幾無玩, 因為升級實在太慢了 , 香港連線lag得過份, 又無高d倍嘅經驗卡, 所以去咗別處玩了幾個月...
撞鬼! 原來之前玩到21,22轉都只靠基本套裝, 仲要連法師 ...
hi-new-gundam 發表於 2013-1-6 09:40 AM  never understand how people can keep playing hours everyday-.-" just don't get how they have the patience.... I am a non-patience person for sure. But I like to talk though~ hahaCome back more, and bring your friends back~ and your friends' friends~~ so on~~ haha |