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i now oredi 没人爱,没人疼,没人陪,没人关 心,没人照顾..wat the different 4 send n not send?
i now oredi 没人爱,没人疼,没人陪,没人关 心,没人照顾..wat the different 4 send n not send?
失去某人, 最糟糕的 莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天 边
thank you...# N/ s- m5 }8 x+ h' U; w7 d0 m' E# \2 f
is't a true story???
失去後才會珍惜...& N! S% R- |+ a* [! _6 s* E
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
feel so sad...
when c no 8,make me scare nia...quickly reply...
% s% q: u% X5 p$ c6 a5.39.217.76tat touch aso la..if 4 me sure cal ambulance 1st...hehe
There are many things we can't predict.....
) m# y8 O8 u& j5 Z! Dwhen we still alive, love the one we love....so that,
% g0 c- F. P( z( u1 [9 stvb now,tvbnow,bttvbwhen we death, we won't bring "yi han" along with us.....
5 S8 O1 d) f( W  S公仔箱論壇Everyone GAMBATE!!!~~~~