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你依d叫耐我追左個女仔5年la佢都未同我一齊呀!!! l- O! d8 Q( m5 I- m
marknov3 發表於 2010-11-29 07:43 PM
5 O! R- M! Q9 r- {7 X8 D7 [, R" M; v5年就唔好追啦,做啲有意義嘅嘢好過啦,或者追過第二個,大把森林
那個女孩是一個人, 不是一件貨, 她絕對可以有她的理由不想和你開始, 我本人認為, 如果你能等就等, 不能的話, 那就另選吧~
agreed..try harder and more effort to make her appreciate..sure she can feel it...
你真系搞清楚你自己想点?公仔箱論壇5 x1 K1 W; e1 i# b/ s
           到底你系真系钟意距   定系只系喜欢同距一齐玩  有距陪起你身边既果种感觉? n8 ~  k5 g4 H6 y$ Q5 }

' `( |: C2 F. @6 o# r3 Ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
9 p0 P7 u6 Y# _- g. k& d; e$ q       以上纯粹个人意见。。。。。。。。。
it happened to me before, almost the exact situation. if you think that she treats her friends better than you, that she might not be so into you, you are right. You are a temp, a rebound friend that she feels that she could cut from her life, she's only talking to you about all her problems, it's because she don't have to worry that you became a male friend that knows too much about her love life, and might interferes with her future BF, because you are just going to end up as a friend that she ONLY calls when she have a problem, and later you two will just drift apart, and you two will just end up fb friends that post an occasional comment on her status (but she'll never comment on yours).
. w2 v$ r3 K" r( u8 Q% L  @公仔箱論壇
$ J' a3 K$ q( N$ SWith that said, you do what you want. I focused my energy elsewhere, and am now happily married.
" o2 e( ?; F5 [0 B3 q& U: G
8 H1 e1 f7 i0 N* f0 W; Q公仔箱論壇P.S. I was the person who cause the break up in the first place, and I can't even get with her, so what chance do you think you have?
努力! 用心再試吧