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[自唱歌曲] [歌唱比賽] 他不准我哭

啱啱錄完,先見到*妹G*個Post... 心諗,無謂擾人清淨啦~ x9 q$ ?6 [6 R( q0 v2 y
不過既然錄左,大家就隨便插啦~ 呵呵~tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb: l; C! v9 w* [5 O/ z* Q

' J6 w6 j6 P" R8 }! F( K( e7 T5.39.217.76URL: http://morsastudio.com/upload/CantCry.mp3
; v) ]7 U' m, N* N$ L公仔箱論壇
7 w' j. V9 t" I) c/ E% {1 b公仔箱論壇不過,先旨聲明...聽到把聲唔好驚。


  • allornothing833

  • dororo

@@男唱女歌xdd公仔箱論壇4 Y+ r; Z8 \2 b! m2 X& \
禾覺得如果呢首歌你轉低4度會比較岩唱5.39.217.76" A$ w  J8 o) c  w4 \- o
因為男唱女歌唔轉key就冇大難度la@@tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 D& s- V; z$ ~; J
6 d( c' w1 z, j0 Y% R第一part副歌可以輕番d去演奏咁會更慘個feel@@
+ ]6 f- O2 t$ Y- Ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvboverall都幾好呀xd0 m5 ?& d$ l+ |+ `( }* w* ?) T
support禾的對手xdd5.39.217.76% P: m+ a4 h) Q
哈哈,多謝妳的留言,見到一個都冇,有啲擔心...係咪難頂得濟?呵~ j/ s0 z9 @, [! `* F& t  A9 \/ y9 ^
試過轉key,但係轉完之後鄧麗欣啲和音好似鬼聲,xptvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# p9 Y5 Q. l1 @, P. |
6 J: t' N$ D- I8 ~費事俾人知道嘛,哈哈哈~ 多謝晒妳既support呀~ {: z& p$ D5 G8 }" ~
呵.我都係support我既對手架~ 所以我實投妳票~ :)
估唔到男唱呢首都幾好聽....你把voice好靚下,好有feel, but 我同意妹G男唱呢首唔down key 難度上可能唔enough) v5 o3 |5 F0 u2 r0 f/ H. q
but I like it!
o i really like ur intro @ da beginnin..... keke.....; @: R, \+ J/ V5 T3 {  ?$ Q
well i think overall it's pretty nice^^ it's just da 1st phrase the couple notes u got off....
8 `0 U9 ~1 S) S* D. utvb now,tvbnow,bttvbbut keep workin on it... it sounds pretty good
To: ivjo31,
, z+ q! ~9 R( b2 c6 ^  S1 l. a5.39.217.76其實我好怪的,,好鍾意唱女仔歌...
! G; g" F# O  T: r4 o. d因為我覺得其實好多時女仔歌所描述既心情、感情又或是意境,某程度上都可以用喺男性身上。
# d# m3 V1 t6 ]) U/ p# P公仔箱論壇不過可惜既係,喺男仔歌,你好難搵到.. 多謝晒你既留言~! 呵~
- t. D3 i0 l# D! c& [
/ R% i$ D, `  E: [% z( |To: creamy./ ]# Z$ A' v& R& `- e$ N- _
What makes you like the intro lei? =P Because of Norah Jones? heehee% L' e/ [1 v5 W$ K
I knew it has off tone parts, but as I mentioned above, I recorded it during my working hours actually =Ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 J9 n: G  c1 e/ K8 i: U
So just did 1 take and didn't correct it afterwards~ horhorhor~ Thanks very much for your comments.
6 c; p8 |8 A7 h7 Z8 t1 C" l由於有工作在身...今日先聽到你首歌~% b, W* x+ C, a. ~% h6 a
+ c. y/ Q$ f' A0 n9 i+ [公仔箱論壇如果你唱第2首應該會好d wo~
  d+ T" F) l4 atvb now,tvbnow,bttvbbut都好好聽!!!支持!!!
首先,我都要多謝版主你既支持啦~. `7 o8 ~0 s+ ]' g
都算好彩,仲有人聽;呵呵~ 都唔知幾時先再時間錄音囉~公仔箱論壇9 d# |1 X& L/ ^, }$ q: I1 m0 A; r. e
忙到死,係咁啱嗰日有啲啲時間喺公司,又冇人~ o! g: S* k7 @+ b! ~. W
support呀!!都唔錯呀~keep on努力
9 l% ^0 \' ]% @6 l$ `2 `: d把聲好厚 AR *0* 有點唔MATCH手歌* y9 n& V3 y0 u' Z- }
& N6 V# }/ T& x' `SUPPORT
your voice very matured, comfortable. fully support...: ^# {8 K9 h( z; ?4 C! [( w0 P
good luck!!
i really like your song ar!
" a3 K. ?, z1 ^3 v8 c2 S- V聽落感到很舒服的感覺公仔箱論壇# ]* M' J2 \* o
full support!
i think u should choose a guys song ... 公仔箱論壇, g6 j- R. l- w
ur voice too deep to sing this song ...
love your voice, think u'll make a nice dj......I agree with the others u would have done better if picked a guys song.....anyway thanks 4 sharing this with us ;;)