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[時事討論] David Tang: 許仕仁上訴被駁回 從上訴庭判詞 看梁振英收5000萬

David Tang: 許仕仁上訴被駁回 從上訴庭判詞 看梁振英收5000萬
7 G" i5 X/ z5 _$ o* d- Y, R公仔箱論壇
# I6 ]$ `0 E& k& T  Stvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 y: h2 }9 ~, }# k) r, ?

% j: d/ C8 ^. T5.39.217.76
, n+ u! Q. m' stvb now,tvbnow,bttvb許仕仁上訴被駁回。公仔箱論壇( V$ n) d9 M3 G0 C/ ?

# A9 g2 n/ [+ U# I/ K9 hTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。許的其中一條控罪,就是說他上任政務司之前,新地巧立名目,給他送了價值幾百萬的大禮,雖然沒有証據證明許有什麼實質的回報,但也是公職人員行為失當。
  }, R6 [3 p' v( rTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* R/ q: d4 K8 ]
就這一點,上訴庭有兩段令人激賞的判詞,分別是:' j& b+ {' k; [
"Corrupted conduct of a public officer as senior as Chief Secretary would no doubt be committed secretly and insidiously. It is naïve to think that such an officer would necessarily leave a trail for his corrupted conduct to be detected. Further the corrupted conduct could simply take the form of an approving nod or a knowing wink and it would not be possible in such cases to identify any specific or generic act of misconduct. However, it did not mean that the failure to allege or prove such approving nod or knowing wink would mean that a charge of misconduct in public office could not be established when the officer in the position of Rafael Hui, having received very large sums of money, agreed to be or to remain favourably disposed towards his “paymaster” in his official capacity."公仔箱論壇8 t! b( X3 a# l0 @3 e
/ }, k8 n1 _* i+ d/ y6 ^
"It will be a sad day for Hong Kong if senior public officers, such as Rafael Hui, could accept large sums of money and agreed to be favourably disposed towards their “paymasters” in their public offices with impunity because the money or other advantages were paid before they assumed or after they left public office."
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' S6 N3 t  \, X) J1 W4 T, ^9 J$ J5.39.217.76公仔箱論壇% s9 I$ {# V2 g% A3 P: a4 V! U" a
其實大家不用讀過什麼法律也想得到,如果某某大狀要當法官了,各大財團馬上巧立名目,送他三兩千萬,這樣的司法,你還會相信嗎? S% v( [: o4 ?0 H9 _# l9 w

8 M9 m' [1 U4 n# z" V6 z9 G) ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvb至於梁振英收的5000萬嘛,哈哈,沒有九成相似也有八成了,怪不得他死命也要連任了。
' a9 |+ @8 l4 o& y$ ]公仔箱論壇. J. S8 z. T3 E
香港本来就是标榜自己是一个法治的社会,如果人人都可以按照自己的意愿去改变法律的本质的话, 那么这个还能算是法治社会吗?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。8 U7 v4 T5 J# Q# `
法律的本质就是讲求证据, 如果连证据都没有, 就说此人有罪, 这个和莫须有的罪名有什么分别, 请问这个作者是不是和秦桧一个祖宗的啊?