疑為港大校委王䓪鳴錄音 台灣論壇流出公仔箱論壇3 _# x, W6 S F) ^ D3 h6 W4 Q8 N4 G5 d; m
0 F8 O$ @0 \1 v% I0 Q2 M6 S( }, gTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。一段懷疑是港大校委王䓪鳴在9月29日校委會議中,反對任命陳文敏為副校長的錄音,在台灣網上論壇「批踢踢實業坊(Ptt)」流傳(連結按此)。錄音中,疑為王䓪鳴的聲音表示,因為候選人(應指陳文敏)的強烈政治立場,有進一步分裂大學的風險,因此她沒有信心接受該人選。這說法與港大學生會會長馮敬恩當天聲明透露在會議上「王䓪鳴指陳文敏擔任副校長會令香港大學進一步分裂」相符。
9 `1 U3 a( {& H& |! X2 _/ q5.39.217.76公仔箱論壇# N! R# ]0 V8 R
一個名為「JASON41699(懦夫救星)」的網民今晚近八點,以「今日香港 明日台灣」為題刊文,稱「朋友做夢夢到」,將王䓪鳴發言英文謄本及中文翻譯,發表在「批踢踢實業坊」論壇上,並附有一條上載至Google Drive的錄音。3 L+ W8 I y/ x" |( D3 a6 s/ b2 K
4 ?$ O A- t1 ]) j( q! B5.39.217.76聲帶有疑為馬斐森回應
4 x3 b8 n/ c3 A公仔箱論壇tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 P8 z+ }, A) M. y' x2 G# {% q
聲帶中也有欵是港大校長馬斐森回應王䓪鳴,指港大沒有在爭議中停滯不前。- u) ?' o7 R' B( V3 E7 }
公仔箱論壇2 w$ p [; z, J, r; |
. O D5 I0 ~& D; X9 t4 d9 }. `9 f/ L& PTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: V, _7 }$ e& o2 D4 \, |; Y
6 v/ A- s! G ~8 Q9 O/ t9 q3 BTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
* @, S, B9 H0 CTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。以下為王䓪鳴發言全文:
5 J1 i: e4 Q& p公仔箱論壇Rosanna Wong 校委王䓪鳴 Thank you Chairman.
. B2 ^6 s) j" @' a2 e4 d E: c2 f5.39.217.76
- T' q' {& A# F R1 |& n7 x: FI just want to make a few comments, but the comments… whe n I make this comment I understand, I totally understand my duty as a member o f the Council, particularly in terms of the appointment of senior executive in this Council. I understand it well and I understand the duty. And to me, ther e is no emotion in that. What I said later is something that I really give a l ot of thought into it. I know this candidate very well, and in fact we were in the same class when we were in LSE, so I know the candidate well. It’s not t hat I don’t understand him, I don’t know him, and I read the paper and every piece of paper on my table, and I exercise my independent thinking without an ybody intervening. With the biggest interest of the University, wide and long of the University, and before I make a comment, so I know what I am doing. j* \, Q, [6 d- ^
# _( O- S; Q- r" g( S% T3 Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb謝謝主席。我只要說一點意見。當我發表這些意見時,我完全了解我身為校務委員會一員 的責任,特別是委員會委任資深行政人員上,我深切了解,也明白責任重大。對我來說, 這沒有摻雜感情因素,我等等要說的是經深思熟慮。我跟這位候選人很熟,事實上我們在 倫敦政經學院是同學,所以我跟他很熟。並不是我不了解他、我不認識他,而且我讀了我 桌上每一份文件,在發言前,我經過獨立思考、未受外力影響,並考量大學最大利益,更 寬廣和長遠的未來,所以,我知道我在做什麼。 公仔箱論壇4 W) G' B7 H" d9 D
( P& B7 ~* @1 X. }+ o+ Y; L3 YIn the last two years or so, this University just like Hong Kong, has been undergoing quite a bumpy journey, in a sense there’s so many things happening in Hong Kong. Started from the University, on the 818 visit of Li Keqiang and also the Occupy Central thing, the donation issue, and recently about this appoi ntment of this Vice President and PVC. In fact the last two years and a half i s pretty sickening in the sense, you can see that so many discussion, division , particularly and entirely divided you know, the community. And I can understand, I mean, University as part of the wider Hong Kong community that reflect whatever happened in Hong Kong in the University, I can understand, but what b other me a lot is about this division, now the problem of the division is that we continue to divide the University. I don’t talk about Hong Kong, just about this University. It really, I think to me, is becoming a distraction of the University and it prevents the University actually to look longer term. In the last two years, I’ve been sitting in this Council every month, even more work than my own board meeting, but we never have a chance to talk about what mixed in this University. If we ever even think of any opportunities that we should grab and let this University shine and glow, I’ve been patiently waiting, you know, the new VC coming to this University with a hope that we have a smooth strategy of development, no time, no discussions, everything has been preoccupied and dominated by this sided political issue, the issues that are so divided in the community. And I am sick of it.
) \7 q/ L2 ?) C$ a5 `8 @; BTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
. Y* A2 N5 r( I) O: O7 H這所大學在過去2年,就像香港一樣,經歷一段顛簸的旅程,香港發生了太多事。從818李 克強來學校訪問開始,其後的佔領中環、捐款議題,和最近這個副校長的委任。事實上這 2年半讓人滿難過的,你可以看到許多討論、分裂、讓社會完全分裂。我能了解,我的意 思是,作為香港社會一部份,香港發生什麼事都會反映在大學裡,我了解。但非常困擾我 的是這種分裂,分裂的問題也持續造成大學分裂,我講的不是香港社會,是這間大學。對 我而言,它真的分散了大學注意力,也讓大學無法把眼光放遠。在最近兩年,我每個月來 開這委員會的會議,甚至比我自己的董事會花更多精力,但我們從來沒有機會好好談談, 這間大學裡摻雜了什麼。如果我們曾思考,是否有什麼應該好好把握的機會,讓這間大學 發光發亮,我一直耐心等待,希望新副校長到任後,能讓我們有一套平穩發展的策略。沒 有時間、沒有討論,每件事都被枝微末節的政治議題佔據、主導,每個議題都太分裂社會 ,而我實在受夠了。
/ J$ Y/ u+ j* @7 E/ r4 d" \TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。" J/ }8 _. z7 U( {* p+ t
And then when I think of this appointment, I give a pause into looking into whether this candidate would further divide the University, or unite the University. I asked this question because I want to see this unity, so that we’re able to see this University continue to glow. Because of the potential controversy of this candidate, I don’t say whether, you know, the candidate is wrong o r why we can bring this up, but there is a potential controversy, it exists whether you, whatever position you… whether you are on yellow camp or the blue camp, I don’t care, but the potential controversy exists. And because of a strong political position of this candidate, and I do not have enough confidence that this candidate would probably help to unite, but on the contrary, he probably would further divide. Now this is a senior executive position that’s on academic staffing and resources, I’ve been a chair of HRPC for several years , and I think that this is important that we look for person… I think in a lo t of cases during my career to appoint a lot of senior executives, persons can be qualified but may not be suitable. I know this candidate well, he’s a goo d gentleman, but sometimes for a lot of other reasons, he may not be totally suitable. And I have to say, because of the controversy that exists, because of his strong political position, because of the potential risk of further divide the community, I have to say I do not have enough confidence to accept this recommendation. And I want the candidate, at least, the future PVC or the Vice President, must be able to unite and must not politicize the working place that he is working in. So on that basis, Chairman, I would suggest that we go for another search and I cannot accept the recommendation as proposed. Thank you .
% h5 w" U( O- V; ]7 X: U) `9 O9 ^# {, @9 I( d5 z* \8 D
而當我思考這個委任,我停下來審視這個候選人會不會進一步分裂這所大學,或讓它團結 。我這樣問因為我想看到團結,我們才能看到大學持續發光。由於這候選人潛在的爭議, 我不是說他是錯的人或者我們為什麼提出這樣的議題,因為存在潛在爭議,無論你在什麼 職位,無論你屬於黃絲帶或藍絲帶陣營,我不管,但潛在爭議就是存在。因為候選人強烈 的政治立場,我沒有信心他能夠有助團結,相反地,他可能帶來進一步分裂。現在這是一 個掌管人力資源的資深行政職務。我任職「人力資源政策委員會」主席數年,在職業生涯 中多次遇上委任資深行政職務的案件,我認為尋覓人選時很重要的是,有的人可能合格, 但不一定合適。我認識這名候選人,他是名君子,但有時因為各種原因,他可能不完全合 適。我必須說,因為爭議的存在、因為他強烈的政治立場、因為存有進一步分裂社會的潛 在危險,我必須說我沒有足夠的信心接受這個人選。我希望的候選人,至少未來的副校長 ,必須要能促成團結,必須不讓他的工作場域政治化。所以主席,基於這些理由,我建議 我們另覓人選,我不能接受這個推薦人選,謝謝。
+ ~8 K& |+ x' N) ?0 l: P5 j8 v0 \' A
4 O9 G/ ]# \2 @3 b, \! O9 d% xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb校長馬斐森Peter Mathieson
) b6 B3 ?3 R7 I2 U! K! hJust one comment. I agree with Rosanna’s analysis on the division of Hong Kong in the way that Hong Kong U has been caught up in that, a certain character in time to time when I’ve been in here. It’s not correct to say that what is happening in the University is that we are not moving forward on a strategic develop …. unfortunately no one is interested in it, the press is not interested in it, no one wants to hear good news stories, everyone wants to hear controversy … There’s a great deal going on, you notice in my report the structured way that I talk about that, just one of the reason about the manifestation. But is any number of new initiatives, any number exciting developments coming from the new vice president and the new deans and in the, in the relevant level of the staff? It is just not correct for anyone to think that the University of Hong Kong is standing still while this controversy rages. That’s not t o say I don’t want the controversy over as well, of course I do. I personally don’t think any of the three outcomes I highlighted will be a force for unit y, but I do think that, I just want to make a point that I think it is my job to continue making this and trying to, every time I’m given the opportunity t o speak publicly, it’s a great deal going on, the University of Hong Kong, a great deal of development, we’re not standing still. TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! f% f1 m7 w2 @- U
公仔箱論壇# g; v' I6 {8 F
只有一點意見。我同意Rosanna對於港大捲入香港這場分裂的分析,我到任以來,也常出 現這種狀況。若說這所大學的現況是在策略發展層面停滯不前,我認為這樣說並不正確… …。很遺憾,沒人有興趣了解,媒體不感興趣,沒人想閱聽正面報導,爭議才是人人都要 的題材。很多事項都在進展當中。在我的報告裡各位可以看到我有系統地談論這問題,( 停滯不前)只是示威運動的一個理由。可是,新任副校長、諸位新任學院院長或相關層級 的教職員,有提出任何創舉、任何刺激人心的發展嗎?若有任何人認為,在這場論戰狂飆 之際,港大卻停滯不前,這樣想是不正確的。我的意思不是說我也不希望這場爭論落幕。 我當然希望它結束。我個人認為,我強調的這三個結果之中,任何一個都不會變成團結的 力量,但我真心認為,我只想強調一點,這是我的職責,每當我有機會公開發言,我努力 去做到。港大有很多進展,我們並沒有停滯不前。 Rosanna Wong王䓪鳴 Chairman, may I just make one point? 主席,我能再說一個重點嗎?
! P. \4 `9 u8 M& u& g% p公仔箱論壇5 X" w) F) Z( T, ?: z* B
Chairman:Please go, Rosanna. . L, F) S5 d9 {; R, \
) V! P) z# q6 a9 Q3 v# j2 F
/ m+ r% k* g2 RRosanna Wong王䓪鳴
+ |4 @# ~' h3 O- S1 T5 k: e# X4 _) atvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThank you the VC for this, you know, comment. But when I said this I refer particularly to the Council. The Council has no time for discussion on this issue , and every discussion in the Council meeting would be bothered by all these controversies. And therefore in my view, I’m glad to hear that at this University, you know, have some new thinking, and that’s why I just asked you about this strategy which I look forward and I’m particularly interested in move forward the University. I love this University so much, and I’ve served this University for so many years, and this is my alma matar too. And I think we must grab every opportunity to make it so, and that is the reason why I think I do not want to see anybody coming and further divide, I would rather to see the potential of uniting the University. And this is my argument.
. ]' \+ X5 z: H4 |0 ?! e% W4 Ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvbtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 @& I2 ^3 I3 C8 H
Rosanna:謝謝校長的評論。但我說的這些特別針對這個委員會。校委會沒有時間去討論 這個議題,而每次校委會的討論都被這些爭議所干擾。所以在我看來,我很高興聽到這間 大學有新思維,這就是為什麼我問你這項我期望的,並能推動大學進步的策略。我愛這所 大學至深,也在此服務多年,這更是我的母校。我認為我們必須緊握每個讓進步成真的機 會,我認為這就是我不樂見任何人來造成更大的分裂,我情願看到能讓這間大學團結的潛 力。這是我的論點。 |