余澎杉上載短片 再現俏皮笑容 開始進食籲外界勿擔心 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4 ^/ j4 U3 j* q2 m( w
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余澎杉 facebook 片段截圖公仔箱論壇9 O9 F, h7 O, {5 i ~ d9 \. x" M+ r* T
( D/ Q2 t9 @& ?. c+ T16歲新加坡少年余澎杉早前因拍片批評李光耀而被定罪,日前法官判監四週,因拘押期已逾刑期而獲當庭釋放。余澎杉自事件後,今日首度於Facebook發言,他表示已經重新進食,並附上一段進食的短片。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 e% X$ C2 Q- S `0 t ~
片段長約十秒,身穿短袖上衣的余澎杉面帶俏皮的笑意,身旁的木桌上放著一顆類似葡萄的東西,他側身拿起葡萄,放進口中咀嚼,全程並無發言,但他的精神狀況看來比日前上庭時更好,不再顯得憔悴。片段下附有文字,他以英文寫道 :「給任何正在疑惑的人,不用擔心,我已重新開始進食。」文字後附上一個笑臉表情符號。
& E/ C" ]$ A8 Btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
D& f8 I* a2 h* p) G$ F余澎杉在片中的表情及神態,與周一相比顯得判若兩人。當日他獲當庭釋放後,在母親的陪伴下步出法庭,顯得面容憔悴神情驚恐,與以往得意洋洋、意氣風發的樣子不同。
! p) N& F' W( B( ]* y V |% QTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
. p( r# r/ I( w B余澎杉早前被還押於心理衞生學院(Institute of Mental Health),等候精神狀況報告時,其母親卓瑪利(Mary Toh)探望兒子後說,余澎杉的進食情況不佳。他於上周日(5日)一度因失眠及多日無法進食,以致血糖過低送院,翌日法官於庭上裁定余澎杉獲當庭釋放。卓瑪利早前對《網絡公民》表示,兒子一度拒絕閱讀,又在發呆中度過每一日,失去一貫的開朗自信。公仔箱論壇/ \& Q/ @: C% s; z2 F% k
For anyone who's been wondering. Don't worry, I've started eating again :) J. I! v; x* i
Posted by Amos Yee on Thursday, July 9, 2015 - ^" [- ^& U9 b9 G
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。# C, A/ l# a% U' l; I$ Y9 M3 y
另外,余澎杉昨日在Facebook上發文,保持一貫尖酸刻薄的態度,笑言自己要為當地地鐵故障負全責。他形容自己犯下了褻瀆罪,背負了永恆、不可饒恕的罪名,侮辱了神聖的主耶穌基督。他又指,裁判官沒有按照經文的規定,將他亂石砸死或判以永恆的詛咒,反而讓他這位異教徒重獲自由,嘲笑裁判官同樣犯下了大逆不道的罪行。$ y6 H- v6 c7 G6 c# a4 E
% k) ^ i1 a# Z. ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvbYes, yes… I fully admit. I am solely responsible for the breakdown of the MRT tracks.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb |( Z% N1 z$ J# r! L
An act of blasphemy, whereupon the eternal, unforgivable sin of insulting the sacred, inviolable name of the great lord, Jesus Christ.
4 Y: q: x6 e5 Z/ Etvb now,tvbnow,bttvb However, instead of initiating the prescribed penalties of stoning or eternal damnation as underlined in scripture, the magistrate disobeyed the lord’s command, and chose to let the heretic free, thus committing an act of treason and heresy.
! o2 O* u0 Y# \0 p" q, g6 S" p5.39.217.76 So God said unto man, ‘Let there be an SMRT breakdown’ s7 X Z# U0 e5 R
And there was an SMRT breakdown.
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6 ?! R' Y$ `& d: N9 [' n公仔箱論壇! b. S; `- \% k# g/ S+ l
Amos Yeetvb now,tvbnow,bttvb: @1 ?( c, X3 e( Y; `) m
2 July
: `, J) t- Y$ ]) y) ^TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。( h. f T4 o* ^2 S! x. e- d
Well my fellow viewers, I think until I am released from Prison, this is all I can manage to say.3 C5 j) }0 a' W7 K5 W4 e" c3 t* f
In lieu of all of my news, and me being in remand, is centrally, the discourse on our rights to freedom of speech. And those rights, I still manage to uphold, as you can see, even when I am placed in jail. And the reason why is because maybe as of now, perhaps comparatively to most people, I know that my views can influence people, I know that my voice is powerful, and I should never be afraid of using it, especially when the primary aversion to my voice is formed by an unjust and corrupt Government.
( `& N6 [* b( J6 _ But really my fellow viewers, you have a voice too, you always had a voice, and I urge everyone to never doubt the power of what a voice of just a single individual can hold, because a voice can convey ideas. f2 P! w' g, W% |" k; j
An idea is controversial, an idea is something we must stand behind, must answer for. An idea, a good idea, is more powerful that any Government or Cathedral. Will survive eras, will survive social and economic turmoil.
4 J# \. o* T+ K; C# p And if we allow the government, the police and the law, to continue to censor us, to use archaic laws to dictate our ideas and our views, to use fear to threaten us into not expressing our views, then though I am a prisoner, when freedom cannot be granted to me, you are a prisoner although freedom is granted to you. And that’s more saddening than any number of months or years in jail that I have to endure.
$ T: |9 [) j& N* h' x And if I am locked up in Prison and unable to continue posting pictures of Lee Kuan Yew butt*粗口*ing Margaret Thatcher, then I hope that there is a person out there, whoever you are, who will continue doing so. And believe me, there will be.
4 |$ M, a3 N1 g! I' o- [ But don’t ever never aim to be the next Einstein, the next Gandhi or the next Amos Yee (Haha). But instead, focus on you, and become the best possible version of yourself. Because everyone, including you, are exceptionally unique, and it is the ones that embrace their uniqueness, that they become someone truly special and great.
: |' `$ t4 U/ v2 P5 V" E So now alas I am done, I take my leave TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。, I; V$ `5 K; l# `7 k" A2 Z1 k+ z
Adieu my friends adieu… parting is such sweet sorrow… |