我認為香港人染上一種在英國稱為柯利達症的流行病,這種病並不單止對「性情憂鬱的退休大使」有所影響,其影響顯然較為廣遠。此病有多種成因和徵狀。患者往往認為自己才具有美德,自己方知曉香港應怎樣做才對,自己才關注那些令香港變成那麼獨特的事物,並認為除非別人都贊同你的意見,附和你的分析,否則,對香港來說,只有死路一條。除非別人常常同意你的見解,否則香港便劫數難逃。這些都是這種流行病的徵狀。公仔箱論壇. {5 y3 {8 [& l1 j+ D x5 B" ~
! q# p: N& A/ N7 a
(I think that we suffer in Hong Kong from an epidemic of what we call at home, Craddockitis, and it is something which affects not just dyspeptic retired ambassadors; it clearly goes wider than that. And there are a number of ingredients to the disease, a number of symptoms. There is a belief that one has a monopoly of virtue, a belief that one has a monopoly of wisdom about what is right for Hong Kong, a belief that one has a monopoly of concern about the things which have made Hong Kong so special, and a belief that unless everybody else agrees with you and follows your own analysis, that, as far as Hong Kong is concerned, is the end of the road. Hong Kong is doomed unless people always agree with you. Those are some of the symptoms of this epidemic.)公仔箱論壇. R, v3 y5 b* w5 X) U9 U5 H
柯利達和彭定康的分岐,可由不久前故世、時任港澳辦主任的魯平在彭定康離京回港後對記者說的話,得到注解。魯平說:" U3 Y( Q' u* w Q, D2 u1 h
雙方的分歧的實質,不是什麼要加快民主步伐的問題,而是究竟要合作,還是要對抗。我們是不希望見到對抗。因為這樣,畢竟對香港不利。但這並不是可以一廂情願的。如果對方一定要對抗的話,那麼我們也只能夠奉陪。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。) g) H. N7 ]# P6 R e
公仔箱論壇) m4 A c+ l/ }
同意,就是合作,有異議,即屬對抗。這樣的戲碼,自政改爭議開始以來,無日無之,日日上演。港人為尊嚴和民主走上街頭,即背負反中亂港的罪名,我們的苦況,彭定康的困境,相隔二十年,卻如出一轍。+ l# L: X) q6 f& o
* Z) y1 X% D( c4 s3 V5.39.217.76《末代港督》對我們有所啟示,全因片中人物都曾為香港前途上下求索。麥里浩、衛奕信、柯利達不是出賣香港利益的人。他們的提議,都為解決一個問題:面對堅信「異議即對抗」的政權,如何為爭取香港到最大的利益?如果說,彭定康的行動,迹近抗爭,他們三人的答案,則傾向妥協,但妥協之中,又有所堅持,就如《經濟學人》在柯利達的訃文中所說:「他的策略不是投降,縱然他彷似高舉雙手,向京叩頭。在他看來,那不過是向他們點頭,冷靜而充滿算計。(And his method was not surrender, though it might look as though he had put his hands up, or made a cringing kowtow to the Chinese. It was just, as he saw it, a nod in their direction, in a coolly realistic way.)」) n: Z, g5 ]2 d7 L; T, c
! R. A l7 j: D6 x U) D+ Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvb 今日,妥協徒勞,抗爭無用,我向大家推薦英國廣播公司這部舊作。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb `! [# {& |5 r2 f4 l, Y+ C
7 Q$ C& H8 C7 M, y9 V. B2 u