林健鋒再次道歉 不忘斥泛民如「丁蟹」 + E. y) h0 f$ n2 d% k, B3 sTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 3 A$ \; \8 [7 |0 H林健鋒議員 (TVB新聞截圖)tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb- o1 q a# e) r# f. J1 b _2 G1 K) P: l3 l
在政改表決前,提出等待議員劉皇發一齊投票,令33名建制派議員無投票支持政改的立法會議員林健鋒,再次就事件道歉,指自己非常後悔。同時,他又不忘批評泛民否決政改,認為令人非常失望,又稱泛民自以為站在道德高地,對人大8.31決定「左耳入,右耳出」,猶如電視劇《大時代》的主角丁蟹,令其他人受害。* A; n# J& s& ]6 Y ^+ Y
+ y$ ^* F3 t9 `) E$ q8 \& Ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb身兼行會成員的林健鋒今日在香港電台英文節目《香港家書》中,首先兩度對沒有投票支持政改方案深表遺憾,並對支持政改方案的議員及市民道歉。他又表示當時離場,原本是想等劉皇發回到立法會投票,但由於溝通問題,一些建制派議員留在議事廳,導致33名建制派議員無法投票支持政改方案。 ! b' z$ N W( m& T4 qTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 / f; x7 d' G4 q, }( v% y% O5.39.217.76他又指,除了「政改三人組」外,支持通過方案的立法會議員及市民,都為政改被否決,感到極度失望及憤怒。林健鋒批評,泛民主派從來沒有理性務實地,討論政制發展,只是堅決同中央對抗,將每次同中央官員討論政改的機會,變成「政治騷」,甚至對人大8.31決定「左耳入,右耳出」,就好像電視劇《大時代》的丁蟹做壞事,而逍遙法外,反令其他人受害,引發佔領和社會撕裂:TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 p$ X' ^3 c; y; R
With their moral superiority mindsets, everything the pan-democrats say and do is "right and others are” wrong. This leaves them unable to turn round, nor even narrow differences. Therefore even when the central government makes it clear that the August 31st decision by the National People’s Congress Standing Committee is to protect national security and stability, which are the most important fundamentals for democracy, what the pan-democrats do is adopt a "one ear in, one ear out" mentality.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。" } \. Q; A; Q `! n$ L# l4 D1 S; l' f! t# p
This comes to my mind is one of the main characters of the popular TV drama – Ting Hai, who is played by Cheng Siu-chow. Ting Hai is a murderer filled with a suffocating sense of moral superiority. In the end, he goes unpunished, but others suffer. ! Q# q6 C, u6 O' V2 O+ I2 V- Stvb now,tvbnow,bttvbIt is most unfortunate that the pan-democrats impose their usual sense of moral superiority on the rest of society. It eventually led to the 79-day Occupy movement that involved many young people, and the future of a divided society such as Hong Kong remains to be seen. $ {; p8 F b7 j* Q i' c5.39.217.76