本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2014-10-31 10:35 PM 編輯 公仔箱論壇- x4 X) g$ K% j1 H6 w/ ?- v
6 b" g7 C2 F5 |《經濟學人》:台灣看佔領運動 「話咗」中國不可信 }! E# E& P6 u$ N+ w+ O
; z; F9 A, N9 h6 Z公仔箱論壇 5 o) M( m; ? N) b
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。$ x+ ?# K& K5 z% W) h1 o
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+ A% X9 Q% C8 r9 g+ @& p3 h「一國兩制」的原意是要確保香港的高度自治,對中國希望統戰的台灣有示範作用。然而,當中國一如所料地不向香港集會人士的民主訴求讓步時,今期《經濟學人》以「早告訴你」(Told you so)為題,認為中央對香港的態度將讓中國和平統一更為遙遠。
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* ?# t# i5 i, U K8 W文章指出,台灣在總統馬英九管治下,台灣在經濟上與中國的距離之接近史無前例。對中國而言,這絕對是和平統一的契機。不過,馬英九日前卻公開表示支持雨傘運動,應讓香港作為中國推行民主的實驗場。另一方面,向來傾向台灣獨立的民進黨,對香港學生表現同情亦是自然不過。
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) r9 q( B: C8 Q9 q& V$ R公仔箱論壇另一方面,儘管台灣《蘋果日報》高度關注佔領運動;由中國旺旺老闆蔡衍明擁有的《中國時報》,卻將佔領運動極低調處理。更重要的是,大部分台灣人都把電視作為接收資訊的最重要媒介,但這些電視台由於在中國有生意,對中國的做法被批評為軟弱。後來,當部分台灣年輕人在社交媒體表示不滿時,這些電視台才開始關注佔領事件,但堅持不會將運動與台灣的「太陽花學運」相提並論。
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5 b- y, p- T: rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb文章認為,習近平雖然不希望台灣問題又拖到下一代,但文章認為現時加上香港問題,習近平根本沒有足夠的政治能量,唯一可以做的只有等待。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4 m8 t: f, d9 G/ r7 s) p$ R
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The Economist: Told you sotvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% D0 S' h4 T# Q( u) ]9 X
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The protests in Hong Kong fuel Taiwan’s distrust of China
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TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 v G8 d8 @9 Q9 W7 r
“ONE country, two systems”, the formula supposed to guarantee Hong Kong’s autonomy under Chinese sovereignty, was first devised for Taiwan. But it has never held much appeal there, and China’s refusal to cede to the demands of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong comes as no surprise. But the confrontation makes it harder to enthuse Taiwan about unification with the mainland.% G' X/ t& c3 t
+ u) k- j w/ {) i* E公仔箱論壇Taiwan’s president, Ma Ying-jeou, elected in2008, has conjoined Taiwan’s economy ever closer with China’s. The hope in China is that this will pave the way for political unification. But even Mr Ma insists the fiercely democratic island has a right to its own sovereignty. Born in Hong Kong, he has backed the democracy movement there. Speaking on Taiwan’s National Day on October 10th, as honour guards twirled rifles and dancing girls imitated butterflies, he argued that Chinese leaders should make Hong Kong a democratic region separate from the mainland, experimenting with political reform as China did with capitalism when it set up special economic zones in the 1980s.
1 f1 ]" e* H4 l/ f8 ?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 ?! n" _; N/ I) ]3 E) S U7 {
Taiwan’s opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has also backed the Hong Kong protests. The DPP has long wanted a formal declaration of independence for Taiwan from China. These days it is less headstrong, anxious to show voters it can manage relations with the mainland. But its supporters would naturally sympathise with the Hong Kong protesters.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 t! v! z$ m$ r1 b2 m5 {; R0 y: v
1 y0 C4 i t, b* H" M6 a1 n- |Taiwan’s students in particular are worried about Chinese encroachment. They fear Mr Ma’s business agreements come with political strings, and that ultimately Taiwan will become just another Hong Kong. For this reason, students, in a “sunflower” movement in March, occupied the island’s parliament to protest against a services-trade pact with China. On October 1st around 5,000 people, including high-school students, forsook sunflowers for umbrellas, the symbol of the Hong Kong protests, to wave them at a rally in Taipei.
- c e. I1 x! q( [5 o& PTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
' H9 T! p* w4 _+ c% Stvb now,tvbnow,bttvbAmong ordinary Taiwanese, however, the protests have had little impact. This may be because they already live in a democracy, and some view China as a foreign country. “It’s fortunate that you don’t see a lot of Taiwanese fighting for Hong Kong, as it shows Taiwanese do not feel close to China,” says Ketty Chen, an aide to the DPP’s leader, Tsai Ing-wen.
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Coverage of the protests in Taiwan’s press may also have been a factor. Three papers gave them ample space, but the China Times, owned by Tsai Eng-meng, a pro-China billionaire, played them down.When Hong Kong’s police used tear-gas, Taiwan’s Apple Daily screamed:“Hong Kong is Crying.” Mr Tsai’s China Times ran a front-page story on baseball.
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# \: l! S3 m7 }. b( m# JMoreover, the great majority of Taiwanese get their news from television, which at first paid the protests scant attention.One reason for this may be the parochialism that afflicts much of Taiwan’s media. But critics also accuse Taiwan’s television stations of being soft on China,as their owners either have business interests there or wish they did. This accusation has been directed even at a popular DPP-leaning cable-news station owned by Sanlih Entertainment Television, which makes soap operas popular on the mainland. After an angry reaction on social media, the television channels gradually stepped up their coverage of the protests. Even then, says Kuang Chung-hsiang, a media analyst at the National Chung Cheng University, reporting tended to be sensationalist and rarely related the protests back to Taiwan. d$ L+ ~, K7 \1 q
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Mr Ma’s ruling Nationalist party, the Kuomintang, is expected to do poorly in municipal elections at the end of the year, which will set the stage for a presidential vote in 2016. But this has to do with poor governance, not Hong Kong. Mr Ma, one of the most unpopular elected leaders Taiwan has had, is currently battling the fourth food scandal in three years. 5 x0 _% y% X; k
7 v' k+ D9 q- E2 {! I5.39.217.76China’s Taiwan policies are also unlikely to change much. China’s president, Xi Jinping, has said the Taiwan problem should not be left to future generations. But George Tsai, of the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, who is close to Chinese policymakers, says Mr Xi does not want to add Taiwan to a daunting foreign-policy agenda. “If you bring in Hong Kong,the South China Sea, the East China Sea: China has no extra energy for Taiwan,”he says. Mr Xi may have to wait after all.
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