[特別新聞] 騎士搖擺人Ira Newble 簽約湖人
, 描述: Where Legend Happens!!!
IraNewble to sign with Lakers
騎士搖擺人Ira Newble 簽約湖人
Published by hZm on March 21, 2008 in Articles.

Swingman Ira Newblehas decided to sign a contract with the Los Angeles Lakers, choosing them overthe Cavs.
騎士搖擺人Ira Newble已經決定正式和洛杉磯湖人簽訂合同。
Asource said the Cavs offered Newble a spot on the team Wednesday, but the twosides could not agree on certain terms of his return.
TheCavs traded Newble to the Seattle SuperSonics last month, but never gave awayhis locker. Newble was eligible to rejoin the Cavs on Tuesday.
TheCavs still have one open roster spot that they may fill by early next week.
騎士隊依然有可能會在下周初把空缺的球員名額補上。 |