“I wouldn’t quite classify this as like any genre. I wouldn’t say it’s a superhero movie, or a studio movie or a… It feels unique, and I think more than anything, and probably the most important thing, is Todd seems very passionate about it and very giving, and so that’s exciting. I think, underneath the excitement of these films, and the size of them, there are these incredible characters that are dealing with real life struggles. And sometimes that is uncovered and exposed, and sometimes it isn’t, and so I always felt, like, there were characters in comics that were really interesting and deserve the opportunity to be kind of studied. And so I think that’s what Todd sees appealing about this idea.”
有關 Todd Phillips 執導的《Joker》暫定於 2019 年 10 月 4 日上映,由知名演員 Joaquin Phoenix 飾演新一任 Joker,Robert De Niro、於《Deadpool 2》大放異彩的 Zazie Beetz、確認飾演 Batman 父親的 Thomas Wayne 亦將會是該片另類亮點,各位不妨繼續留意着我們 HYPEBEAST 的相關跟進報道。
各位若然是忠實 Apple 迷,並且每次都是發佈會的「座上客」,那麼應該還有印象上年發佈會時所提及過的 AirPower。在上年發佈十年躍進的 iPhone X 同時,Apple 亦宣佈他們進入無線充電時代,並發佈全新 AirPower 無線充電墊。然而當時 Apple 聲稱會在今年初登場,可惜事與願違,Apple 延到至今依然未見縱影,因此在本年發佈會過後,不少人都在猜 AirPower 是否已經不了了之。
但原來 Apple 其實一直也沒有放棄它,看來真的是一些工程問題而致延誤它推出的時間。因為 iPhone XS 的包裝說明以及 iOS 12.1 軟件開發者版本中,均揭示 AirPower 仍然存在。有眼利的 iPhone XS 用家便發現,在包裝裡頭的入門指南介紹上,是有提及到如何將 iPhone 放置在 AirPower 上獲取無線充電;另外 iOS 12.1 的程式碼當中,亦表示 iOS負責管理使用 AirPower 時出現的界面,意味著 Apple 仍在積極開展該項目,因為如果 Apple 計劃完全取消該項目,那麼在全新設備包裝中絕對不會提到它。