本帖最後由 klamb 於 2013-10-14 12:58 AM 編輯
African lake turns animals into statues
在坦桑尼亞北部的Lake Natron 水質是非常惡劣,大多數野生動物都知道. 湖泊是淺水的,水溫度可以達到華氏120度,它是很咸及有毒的,它能毒害大多數動物.
The conditions of Lake Natron in northern Tanzania are so harsh that most wildlife knows to avoid it.The shallow lake can reach temperatures of 120 degrees Fahrenheit, and it’s so salty that it’s poisonous to most animals.

泡鹼 湖得名" Lake Natron" ,是因為它含有一種天然化合物大多碳酸鈉來自東非大裂谷的火山灰泡鹼. 動物死在其水中,水能鈣化和保存動物身體,把它們變成雕像.
The lake got its name because it contains natron, a naturally occurring compound made mostly of sodium carbonate that comes from volcanic ash from the Great Rift Valley.Animals that die in its waters are calcified and preserved — essentially turning them into statues.

當攝影師尼克·勃蘭特發現的鳥類,蝙蝠和其他動物死在 沿著湖邊的海岸線,他說他沒有辦法可以幫助但也“忍不住拍攝他們".
When photographer Nick Brandt discovered the birds, bats and other animals washed up along the lake’s shoreline, he said he "could not help but photograph them."

"No one knows for certain exactly how they die, but it appears that the extreme reflective nature of the lake’s surface confuses them, causing them to crash into the lake," he said.

"I took these creatures as I found them on the shoreline, and then placed them in 'living' positions..

Photo: Nick Brandt
