我們看到這些精美的照片來自水下攝影師Todd Bretl,用鏡頭記錄了在水中發光的『短尾魷魚』。『短尾魷魚』使用鰭游泳並利用噴氣前進,透過透明皮膚上圓點般的色素細胞來變換身體顏色,這種鮮亮的顏色既用來追求配偶,也用來偽裝藏身。
Eerie beauty of the squid: Underwater photographs which capture spectacular colours of sea creature usually thought of as ugly
- Bobtail squids use thousands of cells in the outer layer of their skin to change colour
- They transform to attract a mate or blend in with their surroundings
These stunning images capture the amazing skin of the bobtail squid, who use thousands of cells to change colour.
The cephalopods have translucent skin with pigments called chromatophores, which appear as small patches or dots. They use the cells to transform so they can attract a mate or blend into their surroundings.
Underwater photographer Todd Bretl took the incredible pictures during one of his many expeditions into the sea.

Stunning: A picture of a bobtail squid taken by Todd Bretl, a specialist underwater photographer
Transformation: The photographer has captured the thousands of pigment cells squids have on their skin arms which cause them to change colour
He was raised on a boat in Bermuda and says he grew up with the ocean as his playground and constant companion.
His website says: 'After years spent in envy of the island's many scuba divers, he eagerly began diving as soon as he was able, at the age of 12.'
'Hundreds of dives later, and on an impulsive desire to try something new, Todd purchased some basic underwater photography equipment to experiment with during a 2008 dive trip to Palau.
'There, he had the serendipitous good fortune to spend much of his time with underwater filmmaking legend Stan Waterman, whose encouragement, inimitable good humor, and ageless enthusiasm inspired Todd.'
'After taking over two thousand images in Palau, Todd returned home utterly addicted to the unique balance of art, science, technology, and adventure provided by the pursuit of underwater photography.'

Colour: These squids' cells appear as small patches or dots causing the formation of yellow or brownish-black pigments

Pattern: The skin of the bobtail squids appears as dots which are formed because of the change in pigments in their skin
Reflections: The photographer has captured the colourful skin of the squid shining on the surface of the water
'Since that time, Todd has strived to continuously further his skills with a camera and to capture unique images of the underwater world that he fell in love with as a young child.'
Todd's photographs have appeared in commercial and trade publications, and he has also won multiple international competitions.
Bobtail squids are similar to cuttlefish. They are small animals with eight suckered arms and two tentacles.
They live in shallow coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean and some parts of the Indian Ocean as well as off the west coast of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa.
Like cuttlefish, they can swim by either using the fins or by jet propulsion. They are also known as dumpling squid or stubby squid.
Translucent: Part of the skin is almost completely see-through as the squid blends into the surrounding waters

Mirrored: The bright colours of the squid are reflected in the water as the skin's pigment give it a brown and yellow tinge

White: The small sucker arms are curled up beneath the body of the squid |