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i-City坐落在雪兰莪州的沙亚南,也被普遍称为city of digital lights。公仔箱論壇) ^' T8 h1 j* P- _& a- c. p+ j( U- T
同时i-City也是马来西亚第一个以LED灯光塑造的大型夜晚旅游观光点。( O6 K6 I: l4 J% ?
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! _9 J- E$ E+ b# y
当一入夜,整个公园就被LED的灯光包围着。许多的人工LED灯光树发出不同的颜色灯光,照亮了漆黑的夜晚。2 u5 J3 f/ s, R5 l

* V6 `4 h7 j" m( m* u
! u9 c$ i2 G6 E: M/ f. P公仔箱論壇5.39.217.762 {$ m* Y( M+ p) G9 t' W) P7 i
公仔箱論壇1 k6 v/ H! R; c! ?! D) f. q2 Z' g( Y- S% t

5 h6 `/ c  [. G' ^3 s0 {8 c8 C
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" c& L6 f3 |% P- Y! D* `% ?2 t) i- T3 H3 _0 p+ D* v
6 L- |8 `' C( ~, @: D3 N
i-city 蜡像馆,昨天已经开幕了,展出了有约100个腊像,在这个腊像馆里,你可以跟你偶像握手,甚至捏他们的脸。这个腊像馆很其他腊像馆不同的是,PSY会跳舞, 还有里面有道具让你用来跟腊像拍照。先透露里面有哪些腊像,有马来西亚国父东姑阿都拉曼,马来西亚羽球国手拿督李忠伟,美国总理obama,英女王,成龙,李小龙,Mr. Bean, Brad Pitt, Michael Jackson 等。公仔箱論壇5 v+ q% L+ U" \9 `: m6 p  `
门票为成人RM100, 小孩RM50,有`MykadRM80, 有MyKidRM30
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! ?! W, g& ?# T6 x. t' N7 m, d

5 ?; s6 v* G3 W% J% H0 \2 p. z公仔箱論壇
$ ~$ w6 e+ a$ \9 q1 G  X: x9 c公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇+ C" X: c( |# ?/ m
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 w8 C3 z% @! v* o/ m9 P

: _0 R2 z# i/ J8 Q& Q5 X9 H5.39.217.76
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位于马来西亚马六甲的三宝井又称丽宝井,它是马六甲的苏丹满速沙为来自中国的公主、也是其妻子汉丽宝而挖掘的。在当时,此井不会干枯,传说谁喝了井内取出的水,将来都会再回到马六甲。 L: x" i; x$ T/ E! v, T
# ?: o% f% q& V0 D2 w+ i

3 J! D4 ~5 [, k. k! y% ~& r' G6 O  n+ Y6 I1 H5 Q; Y
* ]/ c" v1 x) X

; C5 Y6 `6 w  n3 k4 z, r+ v公仔箱論壇
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. F; ~7 `2 d9 w& E公仔箱論壇
( ^" Y( H  u& ETVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 O1 @1 I# w5 G' T* t6 V
) A- e& |, ]) v6 }

# g9 r+ J1 E& i" Z6 o( \1 E5 e+ k  Q0 k% I! G& J+ h
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本帖最後由 wilson6339 於 2013-8-23 07:33 PM 編輯 公仔箱論壇( s2 @2 ^8 v/ c0 a e' n8 ]' Z, y& \' c
Mabul is a small island off the south-eastern coast of Sabah in Malaysia. The island has been a fishing village since 1970s. Then in 1990s, it first became popular to divers due to its proximity to Sipadan island.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ R) O, {6 ~8 h7 C9 U
Located 15 km from Sipadan, this 20-hectare piece of land surfaces 2–3 meters above sea level, consists mostly flat grounds and aerial view is oval-shaped. Surrounding it are sandy beaches, perched on the northwest corner of a larger two square kilometer reef.
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Sipadan is the only oceanic island in Malaysia, rising 600 metres (2,000 ft) from the seabed. It is located in the Celebes Sea off the east coast of Sabah, East Malaysia (which is on the island of Borneo). It was formed by living corals growing on top of an extinct volcanic cone that took thousands of years to develop. Sipadan is located at the heart of the Indo-Pacific basin, the centre of one of the richest marine habitats in the world. More than 3,000 species of fish and hundreds of coral species have been classified in this ecosystem. Sipadan has been rated by many dive journals as one of the top destinations for diving in the world.
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沙巴州立清真寺. ~" N3 z4 w* V8 u; H
/ U4 ?( `8 M2 p" S" y- \; f: k' z

$ \; Y4 e$ f. Q1 u! `2 v+ T% ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。# E: Z( b+ e) h0 h1 k+ a) Y$ {% L

  c- j9 @6 z9 ?0 X5 z
# H6 ]" b/ N$ |. z. ]公仔箱論壇
" H) q$ Z% \8 J. Q' C. P' HTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
% m' h7 f6 m! s- Mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb

東姑阿都拉曼公園是馬來西亞第一座海洋型國家公園,坐落在沙巴州亞庇岸外的南中國海上,由佳雅島(Gaya Island),沙比島(Sapi Island),馬姆迪島(Mamutik Island ),馬奴干島(Manukan Island)蘇洛島(Sulug Island)等五個島嶼組成。這個於1974年正式被列為海洋生態國家公園,以保護這片海域內的海洋生態。這幾個群島,除了擁有美麗的沙灘和清澈的海水,也有許多特出的珊瑚以及海洋生物。各個島嶼的叢林裡更有許多罕見的兩棲動物。
2 X* s- I7 C1 ^! @# g
6 `: w/ [$ k1 k4 t' S" }TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。

tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 [& j( L6 o; P4 a2 U& i, d" P

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; J6 N0 f7 D* {3 |& kTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" }0 D4 r+ n. ]) W  [5 D2 k# P; P
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- c5 n: @" r# B2 i
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; |( A- k  s4 k4 m* Z! R

IPOH Kinta Riverfront5.39.217.762 g" b) k9 F/ x' x, x# B6 j
The River Walk is successfully marked as one of the latest visiting spot of tourism in Ipoh. Hopefully it will be wisely maintained and turn up to be the city's attraction point to tourist.
: e# A) Y, Q2 c' D, N1 p" O0 _tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
7 a2 T# J. Z: H5 a8 ]公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 `. a) C) [  c, u: e) k- Z

1 E. B3 }5 t3 z) `公仔箱論壇; k# l1 k- W1 d, Z# h4 W# [' }; f

# ]+ n. h/ y0 u& o0 Q% \$ q公仔箱論壇
Infinity is the Limit for me
Miri Niah National Park5.39.217.76" |! @9 G  o, V8 k

* W- F: r, t, Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
$ b$ G: O1 _: _2 f8 @
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9 s: @- l9 ~: C7 ?' oTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。, ^4 U( w% g& W' T( ~

2 I5 A8 H$ J% R" Ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
) t* j& S7 z7 s; m+ ]6 n! m
0 i( M6 \1 E  R9 J+ fTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。公仔箱論壇* r+ z, ]- w" q; a3 m) @6 j
Niah is one of Sarawak’s smaller national parks, but it is certainly one of the most important, and has some of the most unusual visitor attractions. The park’s main claim to fame is its role as one of the birthplaces of civilisation. The oldest modern human remains discovered in Southeast Asia were found at Niah, making the park one of the most important archaeological sites in the world.
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Miri Lambir Hills National Park
6 z; t" `2 m6 S% \' v1 K+ n' z5.39.217.76! n1 D/ O' q- @, |, w0 `* y0 F  p( I1 O# m- n$ {4 ]% T
公仔箱論壇' {' Q4 Q" f1 c6 k/ U. s

0 o( _+ G7 Z1 q2 d5.39.217.76$ G  c# V  R' F. y$ d) X# N$ ^
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tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# X  b* c% W" e( t6 D, f" `
公仔箱論壇% y/ O' z7 @7 ^5 V
Lambir Hills National Park is probably the world’s most complex and diverse forest eco-system. In a total area of just 6,952 hectares, experts have found what appears to be the greatest level of plant biodiversity on the planet. It is not only plant life that is diverse and plentiful at Lambir - 237 different species of birds (at the last count), flying squirrels, wild pigs, gibbons, many different types of monkey, various species of deer, and untold insects and other invertebrates, all combine to create Lambir’s rich biological kaleidoscope.
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9 s4 [# G/ K6 I  Y* J. f& ]TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 \+ H5 _7 E* j: C' c3 Q1 F

3 s4 G2 ?, e' f. h7 ]( {" r5 M. f2 k廚師正在製作印度煎餅,這種煎餅混合著雞蛋、小肉片和洋蔥。
+ H. b0 X; u! {2 q! ~公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 v% ~$ H; X: |0 C% D* i- T' T4 \) |6 I: r6 a9 N

; P5 F! S1 I7 }7 Q' H公仔箱論壇+ f- L+ s# a% Z+ \! L) h
馬來西亞是一個多元種族組成的國家,馬來西亞人一整年慶祝許多假日和節慶活動。有些節日是由聯邦憲報公布的公共假期,有些是由個別州屬所公布的公共假期。公仔箱論壇) n2 `" ]  V9 G, s( m' e
最受到人們重視的節日是每年8月31日的獨立日,紀念馬來亞聯合邦於1957年從英國手中獨立。除此之外馬來西亞成立日(Malaysia Day)也是近年來備受重視的日子,以紀念1963年9月16日馬來亞聯合邦、沙巴砂拉越新加坡共同成立新的一個國家(新加坡隨後於1965年退出)。勞動節(五月一日)、最高元首誕辰日(六月第一個星期六)和各州蘇丹/最高統治者/拉惹/州元首誕辰日也是其他值得注意的日子,因為這3天是馬來西亞全國法定假期。
Tioman Island (Malay language: Pulau Tioman) is a small island located 32 km off the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia in the state of Pahang, and is some 39 km long and 12 km wide. It has eight main villages, the largest and most populous being Kampung Tekek in the north. The densely forested island is sparsely inhabited, and is surrounded by numerous coral reefs, making it a popular scuba diving spot. There are also a lot of resorts and chalets around the island which has duty free status.
3 ^+ F9 \" \" l- Y2 RIts beaches were depicted in the 1958 movie, South Pacific as Bali Hai. In the 1970s, TIME Magazine selected Tioman as one of the world's most beautiful islands.
" O" w7 S! T6 A( [0 c1 ~$ j, YTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Apart from its diverse marine life, the inland rainforest area, encompassing approximately 8,296hectares, in Tioman is a strictly enforced nature reserve. There are several protected species of mammals on the island, including the Binturong, Long-tailed Macaque, Slow Loris, Black Giant Squirrel, Red Giant Flying Squirrel, Mouse deer, Brush-tailed Porcupine, and Common Palm Civet, from a total of 45 species of mammals and 138 species of birds, including the majestic Frigatebird. Moreover, Tioman has species that are endemic to its shores. The soft-shelled turtleand the Tioman walking catfish are both unique and can be seen on rainforest walks.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; N' v1 Z* G0 j. a% B8 z
The island is served by ferries from the Malaysian mainland, and a propeller plane service by Berjaya Air from the Changi Airport in Singapore and Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in Subang,Selangor.
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Lang Tengah Island (or Pulau Lang Tengah in Malay) is an island off the coast of Terengganu, Malaysia. It features crystal clear seawater, white beaches and an untouched tropical jungle. It is located roughly halfway between Pulau Redang and Pulau Perhentian, and is connected to the mainland by ferries to Merang.
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本帖最後由 allo 於 2013-8-25 12:22 AM 編輯
9 c, y( F0 T& c+ Gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb- p" o! A0 W' [; p4 B: X
Kota Kinabalu公仔箱論壇- i$ e6 X1 E# N! s) t$ F, i

6 k# c8 [) R" {TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。亞庇是馬來西亞沙巴州的第三個也是現任首府,第一個為古達,第二個為山打根。亞庇據説是馬來語中「火」的意思,亞庇曾多次遭火神光顧,稱火之都市。火在馬來語是api,當年的Api-api,因為中文「亞庇」在客家人的讀音與馬來文Api同音,所以沙巴人都把KK叫成亞庇至今。獨立後,為了去殖民化,而改用了Kota Kinabalu,哥打(Kota)馬來語意為都市,京那巴魯(Kinabalu)則是神山,即神山之城。 g2 {" p  @. |- E1 f

5 E6 V" O$ i! J( I7 V' H: ~, E/ {tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb

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tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  i) C! Q/ X3 T9 G

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9 h1 ^+ ]$ `5 b! H/ }+ R) { i! O" `2 }& i3 C: X8 t, ], E5 @
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 H" h0 B" A7 M& [: X

5 @1 y  ^6 R) v" n& R公仔箱論壇

亞庇位處於熱帶地區,陽光與海灘是旅遊者到此享受的其中一些活動,另外,在亞庇水域潛水亦很受旅遊者歡迎,南海的水清和眾多珊瑚礁裡豐富的珊瑚品種令潛者大開眼界。公仔箱論壇+ ]. h# \" v! C' i

9 x, b  ]* P! n- `# Q, W- j# t, U

0 _& P  d( v. L. B4 [
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  D3 \" e1 _0 W' mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
; a+ \! e1 u4 k8 U! P) A公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。" _4 s  G( r' q( z9 b6 p
公仔箱論壇8 h0 ]/ [/ @, n# y! ~8 U
