本帖最後由 vandas 於 2013-7-25 05:44 AM 編輯
印尼東爪哇省任抹縣的27歲攝影師帕爾梅(Penkdix Palme)近日在鄰居家後花園捕捉到一只樹蛙萌態十足的避雨圖。

This tiny little frog was snapped clinging to a leaf to shelter from the rain in a downpour in Jember, East Java, Indonesia

The clever little amphibian clung to its 'umbrella' leaf for 30 minutes as the rain fell all around him

He avoided taking a battering by the rain drops, which instead collected on the leaf above him

It seems the frog wasn't too fussy on which style of 'umbrella' to opt for |