Lazy frog amazes owner by spending every day kicking back and chilling on his lily pad
- Frog pictured kicking back as he takes some time out on a water lily leaf
- Photographer Angela Nelson captured pictures in her home town of Bristol
- Theloderma Corticale known to live in subtropical or tropical lowland forests
Kicking back and relaxing with his arms outstretched, this chilled-out frog appears to be loving life as he takes some time out on a water lily leaf.
The little frog is pictured happily perched with his legs stretched out in front of him and enjoying a bit of 'me' time.
The pictures were taken by photographer Angela Nelson, 45, in her home town of Bristol.

This chilled-out frog was pictured relaxing with his arms outstretched, as he took some time out on a water lily leaf
She said: 'I found the frog sitting in this unusual position a few times; I took photographs as I had never seen a frog sit like this in ten years of keeping them as pets.
'I was alarmed initially - this kind of behaviour is something I had never encountered before.
'But after closely observing it, I watched it go about its usual daily activities without any problems, so assumed it was just something this lazy frog might do occasionally.'
The Theloderma Corticale is known to live in subtropical or tropical lowland forests, and can be found in countries such as Northern Vietnam or China.
Its nickname, the 'mossy frog', comes from the fact its skin is mottled green and brown, which creates an effective camouflage when it is sat on rocks.
Angela said: 'I am lucky enough to have a partner who owns three reptile shops, which provides me with endless opportunities to photograph a large array of species.

The frog was pictured by photographer Angela Nelson, who said she had never seen one sitting like this in ten years of keeping them as pets
'I’ve had ten years of experience with reptiles and frogs and always study an animal before photographing it, as it’s vital to know each species different behaviour in order to ensure I can prevent stress.
'Some animals I only keep out for 10 minutes or so, whilst others are content to do their thing for 30 minutes or so.
'I am passionate about reptiles and frogs and I have gone to great lengths over the years to educate people about the care of these creatures in captivity.'

The Theloderma Corticale is known to live in subtropical or tropical lowland forests, and can be found in countries such as Northern Vietnam or China
英國《每日郵報》報導,英國攝影師安吉拉·尼爾森(Angela Nelson)近日在英國布里斯托爾拍攝到了一隻越南苔蘚蛙在睡蓮上休憩時四肢伸展的慵懶姿態。
越南苔蘚蛙(學名:Theloderma corticale),它是亞洲樹蛙家族成員之一。
“苔蘚蛙”這個名字來源於它的皮膚,上面布滿綠色、紫色、黑色斑點、腫塊、剌以及結節,就像是在岩石上生長的苔蘚。借助於這種與生俱來的怪異皮膚,苔蘚蛙成為青蛙家族中的偽裝高手。 |