[轉貼] WWE_The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin_DISC 1

简介:SCSA,一个让人热血沸腾的名字,他是体育娱乐界里永远的巨星:六次WWF(E)冠军,3次Royal Rumble淘汰赛冠军,1次King of the Ring冠军,以及其他震惊的摔角事件.80年代的WWF是属于Hogan的舞台,而90年代末期,则是StoneCold SteveAustin的天下!WWE08年第一份DVD大礼:The.Legacy.of.Stone.Cold.Steve.Austin.由响尾蛇亲自解说,回顾了最辉煌的摔角生涯,包括了他在WCW(World Championship Wrestling);ECW(Extreme Championship Wrestling),以及最知名的WWF(World Wrestling Federation)的历程。比赛节选自上述联盟,SCSA的对手个个也都是传奇:Bret Hart, The Rock, Mick Foley, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Undertaker, Kane, Scott Hall, Eddie Guerrero.比赛对阵如下:
Disc 1
* Steel cage match for the WCW World Tag Team Championship
Hollywood Blondes vs Dos Hombres - Slamboree, 23/5/93
Relationship With Brian Pillman
* Stunning Steve Austin vs Flyin' Brian Pillman - Clash of the Champions XXV, 10/11/93
Not Exactly Stunning
* U.S Title
Ricky Steamboat vs Steve Austin - Clash of the Champions XXVIII, 28/8/94
The Writing Was On The Wall
* Steve A' Mania - Gangsta's Paradise, 16/9/95
Just Go Ahead And Start Running Your Mouth
* "No Baby That's For Somebody Else?" - Hardcore TV, 10/10/95
The Style Of ECW
* Triangle Match For The ECW Title
Sandman vs Mikey Whipwreck vs Steve Austin - ECW, 9/12/95
I Got The Call
* Caribbean Strap match for the Million Dollar Championship
Savio Vega vs Steve Austin - Beware of Dog (In Your House Cool, 26/5/96
Birth Of Austin 3:16
* #1 Contender match for the WWE title
Bret Hart vs Steve Austin - Survivor Series, 16/11/96
DVD Extras
The Name - Steve Austin
* Free for All match
Steve Austin vs Yokozuna - SummerSlam, 18/8/96
* Steve Austin/Terry Funk Confrontation - Shotgun Saturday Night, 18/1/97
[ 本帖最後由 Kiyoshi511 於 2008-2-15 09:21 PM 編輯 ] |
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