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thx for sharing
thx 4 sharing
It is rather interesting to have a junior high student play a college student. I wonder if it is due to the more mature look of the young actress or they want a younger look of the lead role. Anyway, thanks for sharing.
thanks for sharing
Thanks lot for you
hey thank you for uploading~
在台版也出了蜂蜜幸運草之後 就更想回頭看看日劇的版本 這個劇情搞笑但是也充滿愛情 希望日劇也能有相同感動 順便也比較一下兩邊的演出方式 謝謝分享

thanks for sharing

thanks for sharing
我剛剛看了簡介 覺得這部的劇情走向可能很慢/ ?. H9 E5 _' E* s

. D) E* z8 L: R9 l5.39.217.76雖然不太適合我  但還是想去嘗試一下
thanks for sharing!~~~
Thanks for sharing!!!
thanks for sharing
thank you very much