Printer Pro for iPhone

Print attachments, documents, web pages and more right from the iPhone
Printer Pro is the application that lets you wirelessly print from the iPhone. It can print directly to many Wi-Fi printers and to any printer attached to your Mac or PC via helper application installed on your computer.
Once installed, Printer Pro appears in the "Open In..." list on your device. This lets you print documents from Mail, Safari, ReaddleDocs and many other applications on your iPhone that supports this function.
Using "Open In..." approach you can print files from many popular online storages: Dropbox, MobileMe iDisk, GoogleDocs. It just a matter of several taps to download your file via free Dropbox, iDisk or Google Docs application and send it to printer.
To print a web page, just change "http" to "phttp" in the address bar in Safari and tap Go. The page will immediately be opened in the Printer Pro with print button right above your finger. You can print web based documents as well using this approach.
With Printer Pro you can print:
✓ Email Attachments
✓ iWork documents
✓ Web pages
✓ Files from other applications
✓ Clipboard content
✓ Photos
✓ Documents on Dropbox, MobileMe iDisk and GoogleDocs
✓ Contacts
★ Printer Pro Desktop
Get free helper application for your computer to print more types of documents and with better quality. You can download it at
★ List of supported document formats
PDF, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, TXT, HTML, JPG, Safari webarchive.
Feel free to contact us If you have any suggestions, questions or issues at
Readdle Web SitePrinter Pro for iPhone Support
What's New in Version 3.2.4 Printer Pro for iPhone works better now on all iPhones.
iPhone Screenshots
