本帖最後由 drjoydavid 於 2012-10-26 07:10 AM 編輯
卑省西温1名驾驶2012蓝宝坚尼的22岁华裔司机,因无保险在列治文被开568元罚单。警方称,他其后抱怨罚款过高。事主则在微博上说:'擦 竟然忘记买保险了'。 info.51.ca 无忧资讯
列治文警方于10月17日下午近6时,于列市三号路一带发现一辆2012 年款蓝宝坚尼Aventador跑车的车头未挂车牌,违反本地交通法规而将该车拦下,但员警就地调查后,更发现该车并未购买保险,立刻对注册车主、居住在西温市的22岁男子开出568元的罚单,车子也被拖走。
This piece of news was also reported in mainstream newspaper:
$430,000 Lamborghini seized after complaint about fine By The Canadian Press | The Canadian Press – Wed, 24 Oct, 2012 5:01 PM EDT
RICHMOND, B.C. - You might think someone driving a luxury car worth more than $400,000 would consider $500 chump change, but that wasn't the case for a 22-year-old West Vancouver man who was caught driving a 2012 Lamborghini Aventador (similar to the one pictured) without insurance.
The Mounties say they pulled the car over in Richmond, B.C., because it didn't have a front license plate.
When the officer found out the car wasn't insured he gave the driver a $568 fine.
Police say that's when the driver complained the fine was too much money.
The website wheels.ca says Canadian prices for a Lamborghini Aventador start at $430,000 and the car can go from zero to 100 kilometres an hour in under three seconds.
In this case, the Lamborghini was towed away. |