3 R, [6 l8 H* y; O* r' s( S$ [2 A; _5.39.217.76“疯马”雕像为纪念19世纪一位誓死不向欧洲殖民者割让一寸土地的印第安苏族酋长而修建,“疯马”是他的别名。1939年,苏族酋长贝尔邀请著名雕塑家焦乌科夫斯基为“疯马”塑像。焦乌科夫斯基提出了一个劈山雕像的宏大计划,“疯马”骑在一匹马上,胳臂所指乃是昔日印第安人的家园。竣工后,这尊石雕将高达169米、长192米。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 j/ ^( W! G3 V
9 _9 f2 E. G$ k, a) G$ eTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。这一堪比愚公的家庭已搬运了800万吨石料。1998年,在工程50年纪念日之际,“疯马”的脸庞正式面世,巨大坚挺的鼻子和刚毅自信的嘴清晰可见,双眼炯炯有神。脸部完成后,工作重点转向足有22层楼高的马头上。为完成这一阶段性工程,还要搬移400万吨石料。雕像何时才能完工。鲁思总是答道,“说实话,我们自己也不知道。”目前,工程共耗费了1700万美元,其中大部分是募捐得来
) S& Z {9 z R, M& B- U( TThe Crazy Horse Memorial is a mountain monument complex that is under construction on privately held land in the Black Hills, in Custer County, South Dakota. It depicts Crazy Horse, an Oglala Lakota warrior, riding a horse and pointing into the distance. The memorial was commissioned by Henry Standing Bear, a Lakota elder, to be sculpted by Korczak Ziolkowski. It is operated by the Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation, a private non-profit organization., {$ o& k) R7 V7 Z7 s+ e
The memorial consists of the mountain carving (monument), the Indian Museum of North America, and the Native American Cultural Center. The monument is being carved out of Thunderhead Mountain on land considered sacred by some Oglala Lakota, between Custer and Hill City, roughly 17 miles from Mount Rushmore. The sculpture's final dimensions are planned to be 641 feet (195 m) wide and 563 feet (172 m) high. The head of Crazy Horse will be 87 feet (27 m) high; by comparison, the heads of the four U.S. Presidents at Mount Rushmore are each 60 feet (18 m) high. l$ \) j3 p5 Y7 B
The monument has been in progress since 1948 and is far from completion. Completion is expected in 2420. If completed, it may become the world's largest sculpture, as well as the first non-religious statue to hold this record since 1967. The most recent is Russia's Mamayev Monument.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! R' f/ l8 H. O9 c$ m. [
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