日本妹紙Chooo-San在准備大學入學考試的空擋年中發現了自己擁有驚人的人體彩繪藝術的天賦。在學習的空余時間裡,她就經常在自己的手上畫眼睛玩。久而久之,她的繪畫技藝不斷提升,也開始嘗試更加詭異的創作。使用丙烯顏料將自己“進化”成令人毛骨悚然的“變異體”。手臂內側的電池槽, 手背上“植入”的LCD顯示屏以及滿是眼睛的臉。

This model shows off her extra mouth, hand-painted by student Chooo-San
Her incredibly realistic paint-work can give unsettling results
Zip it: The art student had become bored with digital pictures and created her own quirky art with acrylic paints
This realistic set of creepy extra eyes is enough to make you look twice
These amazing images show the extraordinary detail of art student Chooo-San's work
This bizarre body-modifications includes a misplaced mouth
The art student adds a robotic feel to her artwork, painting batteries and power switches on to people
The art student wanted to push her artistic limits without using technology |