美國50多只寵物狗齊聚加州 San Diego 參加第七屆狗狗衝浪比賽。
在衝浪比賽正式開始前,狗狗們根據體型大小被分成不同組別。比賽的裁判蒂文麥克馬納斯接受天空新聞台采訪時說:我們希望在做評判時參照一些其他標准。比如狗狗的裝扮,戴上太陽鏡或者是其他一些別出心裁的東西。 這項比賽的目的不僅僅是娛樂消遣,同時也是為美國防止虐待動物協會籌集資金,讓狗狗們為拯救自己的同胞出一份力。...

A dog rides a surfboard to victory during the competition that raised money for an animal charity

Doggy paddle: A bulldog gets in on the action proving you can teach old dogs new tricks
Judges say they were looking for 'a little bit of flair' when making their decisions

50 dogs took part in the fun at the seventh annual dog competition in Imperial Beach, in California
Winner: Ricochet won first place in the large dog category

Dogs of all shapes and sizes took part in the California surfing competition

Despite its novelty value, the competition is now well-established and in its seventh year
同場加映17狗狗同衝浪 創世界記錄
Paw show: An earlier attempt to smash the record fails by a small margin

Bitchin': 17 dogs cram onto a single surfboard to set a new world record |