Dancing with wolves: The 10-year-old girl who kisses, cuddles and feeds predatory beasts like they are domestic puppy dogs
By Leon Watson
PUBLISHED: 20:32 GMT, 22 May 2012 | UPDATED: 07:43 GMT, 23 May 2012
Meet the ten-year-old school girl who really does dance with wolves in a locked cage.
Jumping gamely into the steel cage clad only in army fatigues the young girl was happy to kiss, cuddle and feed the two-year-old predatory beasts like they were domestic puppy dogs.
The stunt, arranged by the girl's animal trainer father, Zhu Yongsheng has caused a storm of controversy in China.
Zhu Lin and her father Zhu Yongsheng cuddle a wolf at the family's animal training base in Urumqi, China

Fearless: Zhu Lin feeds the wolf in the locked cage like it's a domestic puppy

Father Zhu Yongsheng, cuddling the wolf, arranged the stunt with his 10-year-old daughter
Many have reacted angrily after seeing the extraordinary pictures, and some even accusing him of child abuse.
Zhu keeps about 50 dogs and 10 wolves at his training base in southern Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

The stunt with Zhu Lin has caused a storm of protest in China with some people accusing her father of child cruelty

The young girl was happy to kiss, cuddle and feed the two-year-old predatory beasts

Zhu Lin trains a dog as her father Zhu Yongsheng follows at the family's animal training base

Zhu keeps about 50 dogs and 10 wolves at his training base in southern Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region |