英國12歲少女塔利(Abbie Tully)去年11月患上冷誘發型蕁麻疹,皮膚遇冷便會出疹,過去五個月被逼留在室內,不能外出或上學,在海灘嬉水、遇到雪或少許冷風都會誘發致命的敏感反應,病發時更需要注射一種腎上腺素治療。英國《太陽報》報道,塔利的母親希望天氣盡快回暖,使女兒可外出玩耍。

Cooped up: Abbie Tully, 12, pictured left with mother and full-time carer Nina, suffers from a condition called cold urticaria. Her allergy to cold temperatures means she has been stuck indoors since November
Reaction: Exposure to the cold causes Abbie's skin to erupt in an angry, painful rash
Deadly: As well as the rashes seen above, Abbie's condition means a sudden change in temperature could cause her to go into anaphylactic shock
No cure: Abbie shows the allergy's effect on her face. The danger of more severe symptoms means she has to carry an adrenaline syringe at all times |