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server still so slow, take so long to load pages,
I rather give up lur !!!!!!!!
原帖由 angeewoan 於 2008-1-27 01:11 PM 發表

原帖由 viento 於 2008-1-27 01:09 PM 發表


回復 #4649 woofy 的帖子

no la try to save some money ar ma haha
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2008-1-27 01:15 PM 發表
got it wrong la  
7:00am sleep 26th
11:00am wake up 26th
11:30 drink eat-----1:00pm26th
1:00pm -6pm shoping.26th
7:00pm until 20 mins ago(4:45am) wor from 26th to 27th now

i am soooo tired now but a ...
you always have typing error even when you are not tired!!!!
ooooooooooooo i for got to say hi to u lot i am rude.......hello crazy dog........stupid rabbit.......smelly mouse
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2008-1-27 01:17 PM 發表
no la try to save some money ar ma haha
cheap cheap you!
you would rather be so tired and stressed out now?
原帖由 woofy 於 2008-1-27 01:20 PM 發表

cheap cheap you!
you would rather be so tired and stressed out now?
nono is not needed la.......i bough out a small company two years ago, this year a bigger company, about same size as mine one......busy busy.......stick them together and save wages cos all of them do same job anyway....save money ar ma
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2008-1-27 01:22 PM 發表

nono is not needed la.......i bough out a small company two years ago, this year a bigger company, about same size as mine one......busy busy.......stick them together and save wages cos all of them ...
Don't know what you are talking about but it's ok.

回復 #4659 woofy 的帖子

need not to know...........cos this is way to save money for me......adn earn more ar ma.........
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2008-1-27 01:31 PM 發表
need not to know...........cos this is way to save money for me......adn earn more ar ma.........
What do you do with all the money that you earned?

回復 #4661 woofy 的帖子

spend lor u stupid!!!!!!!!   
spend can be many ways ga la........or someone can spend it for me especially my house has got a money burner queen, she thinks i am printing money must be
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2008-1-27 01:37 PM 發表
spend can be many ways ga la........or someone can spend it for me especially my house has got a money burner queen, she thinks i am printing money must be
Send me some $ money so I can spend for you!
原帖由 woofy 於 2008-1-27 01:42 PM 發表

Send me some $ money so I can spend for you!
agree~~send me some too....
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心