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原帖由 yuka13 於 2007-12-2 12:52 PM 發表
JuJu and woofy,
aaarrrrrr I'm 15 - 25 !!!!
so how old is woofy and bourget ar hahahahaha............ see u two are yuka;'s younger or older sister?????????hehe
原帖由 shyboy09 於 2007-12-2 12:54 PM 發表
i spy u first when u have ur shower visitor!!
睇下, 佢係咪好古怪丫, 係鍾意睇我沖涼
原帖由 bourget 於 2007-12-2 12:55 PM 發表

aaarrrrrr I'm 15 - 25 !!!!
i am below 20
i think visitor is old!!!!!!!!! ask him how old he is!!!!!!!
原帖由 woofy 於 2007-12-2 12:44 PM 發表

Hello luxury!
So many people from malasia here!!
shyboy call me to find u.

rite , shyboy
原帖由 yuka13 於 2007-12-2 12:52 PM 發表
JuJu and woofy,
you can just call me woofy
no need to call 姐姐 or 妹妹
原帖由 shyboy09 於 2007-12-2 12:55 PM 發表
i think visitor is old!!!!!!!!! ask him how old he is!!!!!!!
咪同你差唔多, 阿伯
bourget must be 40 years old and woofy must be same as well hehe
原帖由 luxury 於 2007-12-2 12:56 PM 發表

shyboy call me to find u.

rite , shyboy
luxury also know shyboy?
only i duno...:onion03: :onion03: :onion03:
原帖由 yuka13 於 2007-12-2 12:55 PM 發表

i am below 20
I'm between 1 - 100
i m 妹妹

回復 #430 yuka13 的帖子

shyboy is only a shadow you don;t need to know just buy my stock when stock market opens.
call me 姐姐 I don't mind !!
原帖由 yuka13 於 2007-12-2 12:54 PM 發表
