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回復 #1890 l77o5twa17t3d 的帖子

wei.....dead head......give me a bit more shares la, how can i push u ar.....
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-17 07:18 AM 發表
no, i think he is saying himself is jackass....
I know you deleted your reply already because you are scared of him but I'm not!!
I just posted my complain to admin.
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-17 07:45 AM 發表
why u two in bad mood now....happy la do not argue la.......
forgot to say merry christmas to you two:onion05: :onion05:
You need to tell him that!! He is so rude~!
He always like to start an argument with numberous replies in other posts too!!

回復 #1892 woofy 的帖子

deng!!!!!.......not scare or not.........do not make thing bigger la............more fish.....
delete the post becaue i do not want to invlove in this stuff..........becasue there are always no answer..... no one will win ga wor......
instead of upset more people....make more happy la........
so how can i make u happy then........

回復 #1893 woofy 的帖子

if u do not like a person...instead of reply and make things bigger why not let it go and ignore it.......... do u want me to make u a cup of coffee or tea.....or cup noodles?
so.....madam........tea or coffee please?
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-17 08:17 AM 發表
deng!!!!!.......not scare or not.........do not make thing bigger la............more fish.....
delete the post becaue i do not want to invlove in this stuff..........becasue there are always no answer ...
I'm going to pm admin and other moderators if no one replies then!!

回復 #1896 woofy 的帖子

wah!!!! woofy u so fire wor...... i make you hot chocolate ok.........how many sugar you needed?
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-17 08:21 AM 發表
wah!!!! woofy u so fire wor...... i make you hot chocolate ok.........how many sugar you needed?
Because it's not the first time that he replies with rude remarks!

回復 #1898 woofy 的帖子

then u don;t reply anything lor.......don't make this bigger la.......happy ma ok lor.......u go and p.m. making more arguement and upset...why no just leave it lei........
NO ONE in this world likes everyone la, if someone does not suit your style walk away and have a drink and start over again.......

if i do not do this........i better kill myself or put myself in the hospital...how many peopel i see ervyday.........my fist person i saw today keep on saying pianfull painful.....and then keep on saying something stupid.....do i kill them? what i have done is concentrate what i have done ...........get them quick medican hope they will fell better and sent them to the hospital....
love and care is more important u know
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-17 08:29 AM 發表
then u don;t reply anything lor.......don't make this bigger la.......happy ma ok lor.......u go and p.m. making more arguement and upset...why no just leave it lei........
NO ONE in this world likes  ...
Ok, I'll cool down and then I'll be fine.

Would you be angry if they keep stepping on your face?

回復 #1900 woofy 的帖子

yes of course....but instead of argue back..just claim down a bit fist...drink some tea or coffee....or have 5 to 10 mins break......
many people step la.........so what....sometimes they do not mean to say it we got to understand. sometimes people are plainful, not well, or in hurry of something this may happen...just give them more love and care, speak to them nicely and explain u are trying to do ur best to help them.......do not rush.....or myself do not say some stupid things, be serious, then will be ok la...........wah!!! if i go angry...everything will screw up big time, so n o thanks
I'm back !!!
woofy still here ??? when's your dinner time ??

回復 #1890 l77o5twa17t3d 的帖子

又會比你見到既 ﹗﹗
原帖由 bourget 於 2007-12-17 08:49 AM 發表
I'm back !!!
woofy still here ??? when's your dinner time ??
Still here for now.
dinner in a few minutes

回復 #1903 bourget 的帖子

hehe when disney open buy all disney shares hehehehehehehe........make u zero shares hehehehehehehehehehe,,,,,, u can p.m. me if u want to get back shares hahahahahahahaha