5# vandas I think the flower may open wider at night when it is cooler. But they seems to be doing it again the next night. You have less than 1 week time. The one I have is very similar to the one o ...
popoeliz 發表於 2012-1-20 04:38 PM  HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO ausho & popoeliz.
popoeliz 閣下也是在澳洲? 向一位現正種植曇花(溫哥華)的前輩請教過, 他說在這裡種植的曇花; 每朵花開放的時候只能維持2小時已是極限, 之後花朵便會枯萎. 由於曇花的花香整濃, 故此晚上錯過了花期; 早上起來仍能嗅到花香, 因而知得.
前輩說可能溫哥華的天氣過於乾燥, 而澳洲的天氣較濕潤; 有利於曇花的生長吧. |