流行 2D 格斗游戏系列 KOF 登陆 iPhone/iPod Touch 了,凭借着华丽的视觉效果和高清图像,该游戏使用虚拟摇杆,给您带来无缝与直观的 KOF 体验。不仅是老玩家,就连刚接触 KOF 和格斗游戏的新手都能充分享受游戏的乐趣。 版本 1.2 中的新功能“Iori Yagami”, “Mature”, “Vice”, “Elisabeth Branctorche", “Shen Woo”, and “Duo Lon” join the original cast of 14 characters of “THE KING OF FIGHTERS-i” for a total of 20 fighters available! These 6 new entries will increase the number of possible teams, allowing you to create teams that suit your fighting style. In addition to these additional characters, new trading cards and illustrations you can view at any time in "Gallery" Mode have been added!    
http://zpag.es/7K3P |