史上10大名人性愛影帶 芭莉絲摘冠
英國《太陽報》(The Sun)昨天(2日)整理出「史上10大名人性愛影帶」排行,排行第一的是「派對女王」芭莉絲希爾頓(Paris Hilton),第二是潘蜜拉安德森(Pamela Anderson),第三則是英國「波神」喬丹(Jordan)。
名媛芭莉絲希爾頓(Paris Hilton)與當時的男友理克所羅門(Rick Salomon)在房間調情。不過在2004年影片流出之前,她不過是名不見經傳的社交名媛,但在影片流出之後,她成功轉型為明星、歌手、模特兒、服裝設計師以及作者。而她當時的男友所羅門,則與另一位性愛影帶的女王潘蜜拉安德森(Pamela Anderson)共結連理,可惜這段感情只維持了10個星期。
潘蜜拉安德森(Pamela Anderson)是網路上第一位被公開性愛影帶的明星。不過潘蜜拉安德森共有兩部性愛影帶被公開在網路上。第一部是1998年與當時的丈夫湯米李(Tommy Lee)蜜月時的激情畫面,而第二部則是2005年,與樂團的成員Bret Michaels的房事。

第三名的喬丹(Jordan)與她的前男友丹尼鮑爾(Danny Boyle)經歷兩年的感情之後,性愛影帶在90年代後期流竄,這一對戀人在2000年最終以分手告終。

不過除了這些名流外,像是珍妮佛洛佩茲(Jennifer Lopez)、柯林法洛(Colin Farrell)兩位A咖電影明星,也分別入選為第5、第8名。

10 Most Shocking: Celebrity sex tape scandals
Sex tape star ... Kim Kardashian
Published: 02th September 2011
KIM Kardashian's infamous sex tape hit the headlines again earlier this week - when it was valued at a whopping £18million.
In 2007, the newlywed socialite's hotel room romp with then-boyfriend and R'n'B singer Ray J became a huge hit when it leaked on to the internet.
Despite her best efforts to keep the 39-minute clip private, Kim's video has now been viewed millions of times worldwide.
And it has made her a pretty penny in the process. She's grossed £3million from it after striking a deal with the current rights holders.
And in tribute to the saucy clip here are ten more celebs whose bedroom antics have been exposed on the internet.
1) Paris Hilton
Small-time socialite ... Paris Hilton
Hotel heiress Paris Hilton filmed herself getting frisky in a hotel room with then-boyfriend Rick Salomon.
The blonde was just a small-time socialite before 1 Night in Paris emerged in 2004.
But afterwards she emerged as a reality TV star, singer, model, fashion designer and author.
As for Salomon, he subsequently tied the knot with another sex tape queen - Pamela Anderson. The union wasn't successful though - lasting just ten weeks.
2) Pamela Anderson
Pneumatic ... Pamela Anderson
If anyone was ever likely to have a sex tape, it was always going to be pneumatic Baywatch star Pamela Anderson.
In fact, she has two.
Her debut was one of the first to kick-start the internet celebrity sex tape trend. Her clip featured then-hubby Tommy Lee and their saucy honeymoon antics following their 1998 wedding.
She followed that up with another clip in 2005, showing her and Bret Michaels from band Poison.
3) Jordan
Sizzling home video ... Katie Price aka Jordan
Attention-seeker Jordan and her former boyband lover Dane Bowers had their sizzling home video nabbed from the flat they shared and leaked on to the net during their two-year relationship in the late nineties.
The couple split in 2000, but while Another Level singer Dane has disappeared, Jordan - real name Katie Price - has redefined what it is to be a reality star.
4) Abi Titmuss
Lads' mag fave ... Abi Titmuss
Former nurse Abi was filmed getting down and dirty with ex-TV presenter boyfriend John Leslie and an unidentified woman in 2000.
The 16-minute raunchy recording was released online in 2003 and shot her into the lads' mag stratosphere.
She has since attempted to redefine herself as a serious actress - once starring as Lady Macbeth in Lowestoft, Suffolk.
5) Jennifer Lopez
Honeymoon footage ... Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez and her then-husband shot some steamy footage on their honeymoon in 1997.
But despite ex Ojani Noa's best efforts it will never see the light of day.
While a few snippets of the romp have appeared on the net, a Los Angeles judge ordered the entire film to be handed over to the court and locked in a safe deposit box in June.
6) Kendra Wilkinson
Playful ... Kendra Wilkinson
Playmate Kendra Wilkinson famously dated 85-year-old Playboy founder Hugh Hefner for five years.
But her sex tape was filmed before she hit the big time.
The clip was made in 2003, when she was 18 and released in May 2010.
7) Verne Troyer

Sleazy lovers ... Ranae Shrider and Verne Troyer
Better known as Mini-Me from the Austin Powers films, Verne filmed a dirty video with former live-in girlfriend Ranae Shrider in 2008.
But his full-sized lover leaked the 50-minute video to the public.
8) Colin Farrell
Bad boy and bad girl ... Nicole Narain and Colin Farrell
The Irish bad-boy actor and ex-Playboy Playmate Nicole Narain documented 13 minutes of naughty nookie in 2006. Colin sued Nicole over the tape's release, insisting the pair had agreed to keep the footage to themselves.
Colin won the case and successfully blocked the tape from distribution, but leaked copies found their way on to the internet nevertheless.
9) Fred Durst

Rocker ... Fred Durst
Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst made millions from his sex tape.
Footage of him and an unknown woman having sex was stolen from his computer.
He sued a number of websites who published it without his permission and bagged a whopping £43million in damages.
10) Dustin Diamond
Not Saved By The Bell ... Dustin Diamond
If ever there was a sex tape that never deserved to see the light of day it is American actor Dustin Diamond's sordid 2007 romp.
The small-time actor hoped the release of Saved By The Smell in 2007 would resurrect his career a decade after sitcom Saved By The Bell, in which he played Screech, had ended.
But it did exactly the opposite. |