, 描述: Eye of the Sahara
在非洲幅員廣大,橫跨多國的撒哈拉沙漠,有一處只能從外太空才能看見的奇觀─撒哈拉之眼(Eye of the Sahara),在衛星空拍圖上,這個看來巨大又神祕的同心圓,就像是麥田事件般令人感到困惑,至今仍無科學家提出成形的原因。為什麼地球上會出現這般專屬外星人欣賞的奇觀?
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撒哈拉之眼位於西非茅利塔尼亞(Mauritania)境內,21世紀初,美國太空總署的地球觀測站(NASA Earth Observatory) 在,發現這個巨大,宛如「牛眼」及古代生物「菊石」形狀的奇觀,不僅燃起學者的激辯,網友也將數幅珍貴的網路空拍圖PO上網,將撒哈拉之眼與澳洲藍洞、北愛爾蘭巨人之路等景點,列為網路流傳的世界10大奇景!5 _5 G3 L5 ?( l: @; m6 a( S
9 N8 l) [+ n2 ?曾經有科學家提出是因為隕石撞地球,才會有這般神祕地形,但也有人說,是因為撒哈拉沙漠在侵蝕作用及陸地抬升,兩者交會造成的地形落差,才造成這般巨大的幾何圖形!近年科學家又發現同樣在撒哈拉沙漠,位於東部的國家蘇丹、利比亞及埃及交界處,也有小型的撒哈拉之眼現蹤跡,留給人們很多想像空間。公仔箱論壇* J! ]! t9 a9 v4 s9 d
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Since the beginning of space missions, the Earth’s bulls-eye caught the interest of astronauts in the otherwise featureless Sahara Desert. Over the years, it has become a landmark for astronauts. At first, the circular pattern was thought to have been a meteorite impact, but now the 31 mile wide bulls-eye, called the Richat Structure, is believed to be uplifted rock, a circular anticline, laid bare by erosion. Some people call this bulls-eye in the Sahara the “Eye of Africa.” 3 M, K+ t( B8 x
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