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very interest creature, good pictures too, thank you for your sharing
interesting ..... thx for sharing ^^
:onion05: :onion05: :onion14: :onion14: :onion14: :onion03: :onion03: :019: :019:
really never seen before, so weird!! B, {* s1 M) `% U9 d9 R) J
but, the first one and the last one looked so fake.
Thanks for sharing!!!
第2張是得蜂窩性組織炎公仔箱論壇- e" d, m+ r( Q* |. Y
手指的相片吧* q2 }/ K+ y: P; e( R$ K. J
thx thx
thak u
thx 4 sharing

回復 #1 justin880713 的帖子

:014: thanks
thx 4 share~~~

回復 #1 justin880713 的帖子

:onion14: 謝謝分享