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係咁噶喇.. 拍民初時期d電視劇都係咁一樣噶!!
tvb should go to mainland to film this series
3 U3 D% G) g; q; D' \0 f, fTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。楼主你咁样不如唔好睇了
9 R3 \. C* _, v5 ^% C公仔箱論壇TVB拍噶剧集比较好睇,我会支持TVB 希望越拍越好公仔箱論壇+ X9 |/ F( }1 s
9 i* |% |/ _. O1 Z4 L& vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb其它都係垃圾
TVB的道具部门N年都5更新啦! \* y# ]4 r2 F, z) D
thanks for your sharing:>:>:>:>:>:>tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) N! `1 g" q/ O! e8 [
it just a film:>:>:>:>
樓主不適合看香港電視劇, 韓劇, 甚至台劇
  H: I; o; e+ W) n! D9 k公仔箱論壇樓主適合看大陸的電視劇, 單是說兵馬, 就真的可以找來幾千幾萬的了6 M" R( U- C6 K/ d% r; s5 @

3 s( e  }$ _' o! K  t樓主應該很少看韓劇, 韓劇的古代景也是來來去去都是那些tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 A) U8 B& ]) w+ v
TVB 拍古裝 (要有建築物), 如果不是在電視城,  ..., h; u5 `5 j& z% R7 H
superbasara 發表於 2011-4-8 05:29 AM
8 t) P1 p* I; c: S, G, E- w

/ C* Z8 o9 n5 }我有點懷疑你是TVB 派來的公仔箱論壇5 Y( M! T- [1 e$ T
見你有批評TVB 但到最後還是幫TVB 解釋了很多.....4 J3 \! @0 g& @6 l+ k  P+ y

. k; _+ W6 ^6 W: LTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。你說 "通常, TVB 會抄的都是人物 setting , 枝節就沒有抄很多"
) T- X/ T7 o4 L  a  E; {我真的笑了....難道用電腦scan 犯人個腦不是抄足嗎? 那個什麼能穿越時空的電話不是抄足嗎? 還有不少例子我也沒時間詳述....tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ m1 ?/ L: n8 `9 f  q6 y6 ^2 h9 P2 N
這些不是人物 setting 吧?
- V1 w6 m6 C7 V2 V5.39.217.76tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) v3 K2 R; u+ W* V% Y1 _
還有 你說 "有些人除了看漫畫, 看動畫, 還看真人版, 其實故事全部一樣, 主角全部一樣, 為什麼可以看這麼多次呢?"3 u+ r9 E; i4 j3 X/ Y  Z  T9 U
日本漫畫改篇的劇集 是多, 但是因為漫畫本身有質素, 就算改篇成劇集也同樣吸引而質素绝對有保證, 另外,他們是講明由漫畫改篇的.......這是低質素兼抄襲的TVB劇集 所不能相比的....
0 w- p2 S% h5 c! W! b( j3 [" y, a+ ]% ]6 U0 d/ w- ^
"TVB 拍的是電視劇, 不是歷史劇 (紀錄片那些), 也不是拍高質素的電影
" }' u1 ?6 G* |6 ]/ `% p7 `; i: TTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。很多人看劇集是當娛樂, 所以他們不會吹毛求疵, 雞蛋裡挑骨頭
. [  I/ `' b5 h/ W有些人喜歡看穿崩, 找錯處
; e: |8 F: {  P公仔箱論壇有些人喜歡為批評而批評
' E; z6 i9 ^$ C5 Z- a" V從來都是那一句, 不喜歡看的就千萬不要看, 為難自己" n0 j7 }, G* }3 z& ?5 Y
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ I7 X8 i* B4 ?: U7 i3 s9 }
這段我不太同意, 有誰說過劇集 不需要高質素? 外國的劇集是有質素的.....難道 X-files 、ER 不是電視劇?
& z6 a2 k+ L* O5.39.217.76我不承認我是在雞蛋裡挑骨頭, 因為TVB 拍的是電視劇並不是"雞蛋".......
$ \( u: g6 c5 t公仔箱論壇所謂的 "雞蛋" 該是指X-files 、ER 這些高質素的電視劇
6 ?7 B2 I' c$ K5 q5.39.217.76"有些人喜歡看穿崩, 找錯處".....是, 我是這種人, 但TVB劇集的穿崩/錯處實在多的不用找, 就算見到也不必興奮.....
2 E& V; ]# a! T% B! I! x2 z7 ~7 JTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
2 Z9 T) ~& O3 S& d$ E8 |  ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb"不喜歡看的就千萬不要看, 為難自己" 這是我唯一認同的.....只有怪香港太细, 太少電視臺, 那些收費電視臺又太垃圾......於晚飯這個黄金時間電視節目的選擇實在太少公仔箱論壇2 V* p3 X* L  s& d  [% W/ J( c
TVB 的電視劇實在差, 但還是比ATV 的外購倉底劇、有線的垃圾節目好少許......J2 的旅遊節目 和 明珠台的節目 也是可以的, 所以我也不會太為難自己去看TVB 的電視劇.....
" F. b' `; @7 o1 s- G' `+ ?4 e9 L5.39.217.76
/ A; Z) G3 r8 d) j7 G但我不說出來的話.....TVB 的電視劇只會越來越差.....觀眾也就繼續逆來順受.....


  • devil2007

TVB does not need improvement just like Microsoft does not need improvement, TVB basically monopolised the TV industry in HK, and it is actually producing something, it is already 1000 times better then its closest and only competitor ATV, which doesn't make anything, 90% of what is shows are old series or purchased. tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 w! h* i, N$ k2 [1 ?

( b+ c" s& M/ s公仔箱論壇TVB only has HK ads, and it only has as much money as the commercial income gives them, HK audiences are limited, unlike American Series, unlike Taiwan series, it has limited budget. Hollywood can model a whole cities, TVB don't have those money.  
- N5 X0 f' \! F- [6 pTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。) _% F% p$ Q, m- t8 T+ o* B
Obviously, majoritry of its audience doesn't mind as it still deliver 30+ points in viewerships. Where the best ATV do is 2 points.
2 v% m* N/ d! E* I$ H5.39.217.76
7 W7 c& p! i! K6 ]7 R, RTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Korean / Japanese movies looks good because they are different, not because it is better.
) U$ K* I6 n5 @! S' ?, D5.39.217.763 r7 O7 o1 ]4 ^$ \- P& z
a lot of the mainlander/external movies are also shit as it drag things on for too long.


  • devil2007

本帖最後由 妍霜 於 2011-4-11 10:40 PM 編輯
4 T+ c7 p. q/ z% G$ T7 {/ b( f
5 R+ T# B" q) `# d+ |香港有多大呢,我想大家都心中有數..而且播放出來給的也是香港的小市民看,你看mytv 就知道,其他地方的人特地跑去看其電視台的最近播放也只是額外罷了(海發劇/綜藝節目不算)..而且收入來源也不多0 u) \0 }7 x9 L- ?) H* v! j7 _: `# T
2 G2 F1 D9 |4 ]; d& V$ ?, }+ c另外,如秋官所說...電視機的揸fit人是一般的主婦,而普羅大眾在一天忙碌下來..要的也是娛樂,輕鬆一下罷了...又會多少探究歷史怎樣怎樣,背景道具,音樂怎樣怎樣來較真呢..而且呀是年輕一輩通過上網呀什麼的其他資訊渠道才看的比較多外語,什至華語劇,這樣才有所說的對比是抄呀什麼的...試問橋段這玩意也不過大同小二,好似小說不也是麼TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 G; h4 X7 v& X
9 r5 \2 D6 Q: n* z( C公仔箱論壇5.39.217.764 s/ g; N9 h9 i3 q. A3 t# w


  • devil2007

That's ok!
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
本帖最後由 huit 於 2011-4-14 11:00 AM 編輯 f& p7 \, b/ j% v& K- O

+ R% s8 n9 w+ R4 c  W. U  a5.39.217.76While it's true that TVB may not have the same resources and the kind of budget to achieve the same production values as overseas (particularly Western) programmes, resulting in the same film sets, soundstages and props being used over and over again, that's excusable, as long as the production team actually took their jobs seriously instead of churning out the same rehashed crap over and over again.
# S* S+ ]" Q  J  x% O公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 ?7 E9 S. K* m! Q. j# e3 X
There are a few things that don't cost extra $$$ you can do well - try writing a better script for once that doesn't insult the viewers' intelligence (ok obviously that is dependent upon the average level of intelligence of the viewers), stop sticking to a formula, and stop adding absurd plot twists just to move the story along. Oh and spare us those longwinded, tear-jerking scenes, most of the time they just serve to irritate the audience "get over it already" - they're hard on both the actors and viewers alike
4 e3 {+ i! s! [* ?* _1 U
) F, B* n  C& i1 P7 tAnd please, if you're going to do period drama, make sure you get some of the historical background right - I'm not even talking about trivial details like using a genuine classic car from the period or getting the props 100% period-correct, I know TVB can't afford them, but just little things that are nonetheless important - like the other show about Wong Fei Hung for instance: the Chinese capital at the time was Nanjing. There's a reason they renamed Beijing (Peking) to Beiping - because Beijing wasn't a "Jing" (capital city) anymore - this is not a trivial mistake that can be overlooked. It these small, but important details that showed how ignorant the scriptwriter is (didn't pay attention in school? seriously, what qualifications does one need to become a scriptwriter for TVB, a simple literacy test?) and helped me decide whether a show is still worth watching or not - and totally inexcusable in this day and age given how easy it is to obtain information, you could say perhaps the general audience probably doesn't know either, but that says more about a decline in the quality of education in the general populace as a whole.
: W( g" C: P% B; [, ?6 M5.39.217.76tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 W0 A' h9 j4 y
Obviously I don't HAVE to watch TVB - but I do find it very frustrating that the quality of television has been on a gradual decline since the golden age of the late 70s. The technology was basic then, they still had to use film (not tape) to shoot outdoor scenes, the sets were nowhere near as elaborate as what we see today, but you can tell the people who produced shows from 網中人 to small productions liek the 10-ep 執到寶 really did put their hearts into producing shows that are truly entertaining, with a decent script and good dialogue to boot. These days, you just get the same CGI overkill, mediocre acting from last years beauty pageant, and predictable plot that you'll have no trouble keeping up with even if you miss a few episodes. It's all because TVB knows they can get away with making crap, because most of the viewing public can't tell the difference, or don't know any better.


  • devil2007

well said superbasara!!!!!!!!