What a bad day. until get circuit, knock head tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" \+ }! R3 {& E# f: {
but all also own faulty, not doing the job one by one. 9 j2 b2 H8 U& j6 [3 qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbanyway thnx, 又学多一样生活习惯
This is call "Waking up the wrong side of the bed"6 x" m v# Z" Q0 f
No matter what she did, or where she will go, " c& |5 h* |4 ~9 |tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbthere will only be bad things happen to her. |% Z- K! l9 }& ~2 l( u! m. M
Just stay home and rest, going out will only 3 l8 i# l% j( c5.39.217.76make things worse for her ,hahaha