本帖最後由 amannn 於 2010-10-4 06:31 PM 編輯 公仔箱論壇$ F: b. l e7 E j1 K( b% P4 ?
0 a/ J* s9 Z& j+ o1 fA very beautiful and well preserved ancient village in Guangdong. Should pay a visit to it if time is allowed, this place is also suitable for photos shooting.
( V$ ?$ J$ q& q- W公仔箱論壇orchids 發表於 2010-10-3 11:01 AM tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 A" p$ b) k) M. i5 F" I4 P) G
7 ^( m! R4 A, l0 c- {Sorry Orchids, I forgot the introduction..... 婺源 is located in Jiangxi instead of Guangdong. tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, L. D# z* }; ]- B l( b4 z/ b' u/ X2 i
婺源位于赣东北,徽州六县之一,徽州文化的发祥地之一。东邻国家历史文化名城衢州市,西毗景德镇市,浮梁县,乐平市,北枕国家级旅游胜地黄山市,南接江南第一仙山三清山,铜都德兴市,是一颗镶嵌在皖、浙、赣三省交界处的绿色明珠。婺源素有“书乡”、“茶乡”之称,是全国著名的文化与生态旅游县,被外界誉为“中国最美的乡村”。 |