I agree with you. However, when will this political unrest will stop is our concern? Since 2006, military overtake Taksin goverment, this issue never stop, and repeat every year. The worst is airport closured at 2008, last year (2009)and this year, Songkran festive also unable to celebrate. Actaully what the citizen need? They need a stable and growing country which will make them have a better future/ living style or they only concern which party become the president and govern the rule? What i see is the latter one have higher probabibility. In my humble opinion, actually why caring which party become the government, the government bring you a better life is okay already. I understand that Taksin corruption, no apologize on all his corruption cases, escape and hide himself at other country and his action on encourage people to "sell" their life for him is totally out of the moral value to become a real politician, he is not supposed to be support. Why "red people" can't give any chance to any new government (not only this Abishi government). I don't know whether Abishi or Taksin hire anyone for these riots for so many years, but no point to mess up the counrty which heaveily depends on tourism. I wish to see "Smile to you" Thailand again. |