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[討論] 欧文定律应验


  这就是欧文定律 04-05:去了皇马,皇马一直没有好日子过 05-09:去了曾一度敢与四强抗衡的纽卡,纽卡不幸降级 09:去了曼联,曼联厄运开始总之,丢了社区盾,有欧文在里面的球队就没有冠军命,切尔西翻身的日子来了,哇哈哈!
are u chelsea fans? then i want to know when liverpool get their uefa cup that years, owen at which club?
i totally agree with the Uncle Apple statement.
time will show Owen will bring bad luck to the team.
the only concern is whether he will bring Man Utd to 1st Division next season,
2# manutd77

How many trophy did Liverpool won during Owen time??
Liverpool never won the major title
Owen Honours with Liverpool (1996~2004, 8 year):

After Owen Transfer out the trophy won by Liverpool are:
Liverpool (2004~2009, 5 year only)
