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 ,  描述: 英文板
本帖最後由 邪x 於 2009-8-9 03:22 PM 編輯 . v, O+ n2 k" S5 D* v

% P- X" z0 b; @公仔箱論壇Life is not a race. It is a journey. Getting someplace first, before anyone else, has very little real and lasting meaning. Seek instead to encourage others to come along, and we'll find the journey much more fulfilling. 2 h1 x6 p$ `% t, s9 p, ]+ l8 _

: c/ }3 k/ U" Y1 h9 }" p7 [ we hurry through each moment, we miss out on the richness that could be ours. Take the time to live, to experience where we are, rather than being so obsessed with getting to the next checkpoint. , ?$ t8 t( a- m# o' f

+ [# h# B* h1 H' f& J8 x' }When we stop demanding to have it all now, we'll discover that we have plenty already. Learn to experience joy where we are, and we'll experience it in abundance.
/ U- m7 c. Q1 `8 u5.39.217.76公仔箱論壇  j8 v7 H- r' |2 h2 D9 P1 K
Yes, it can be wonderfully exhilarating when life is moving quickly. But do not move so quickly that speed becomes our only experience, for there is so much more to enjoy. TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。# K5 t8 @! X  `1 c" K

0 q7 a1 K/ {1 E# n2 G7 q6 e8 @' Xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThe terrain of life is filled with wonderful and astounding detail. Slow down and take in its richness.
well said, loving it, thanx
thanks for sharing