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[棒球] 現場直播game 5

 ,  描述: 終由Philadelphia勝出game 5
現時Bot 5' A9 u# [( g7 N& r* F* A
Phi 2
! x; [* m* q+ A) u0 R9 {- f( uTam 1
! L! m, B, t# Q$ \- z$ x' M公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- P  C! ?  y$ c( ~0 C( f' I
天氣只有攝氏7度- X$ F7 m  L9 j; V4 r
加上落雨- J0 E* Y1 c" v& F. D! s0 N
各人都不好過(句括現場觀眾)tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 Q  @* H3 G' N8 e0 C1 g7 d: V
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 j8 H+ R& T3 i7 [1 U$ }: G Q$ O7 {  H) H5 Y& L% F# q+ K. S0 m
+ }/ y9 ^+ a, X9 P5 f5.39.217.76
. H# E# B, M. m+ W8 G[ 本帖最後由 carwing 於 2008-10-30 12:23 PM 編輯 ]
剛剛光芒隊得一分: }- _( w/ J: X7 o  m
2比2了 有看头了
The Philadelphia Phillies and Tampa Bay Rays will have an extra day to think about Monday night's suspended contest, as Game Five of the 2008 World Series will not resume Tuesday due to inclement weather. Game Five is now tentatively scheduled to resume on Wednesday evening.