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[時事討論] 西班牙籃球隊涉歧視中國人民

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西班牙奧運廣告 涉歧視中國
/ {) t, ^/ ~/ o+ j公仔箱論壇
公仔箱論壇5 g( r+ P& P! ?: J4 n


西班牙最大的西班牙文體育日報La Marca日前刊登整版的奧運廣告(見右圖),柏克萊加大退休教授王靈智12日表示,該廣告圖片歧視中國人民的意涵十分明顯。 上述圖片中,身穿國家隊奧運運動服的西班牙男女籃球隊員一致用手提起眼角,地上則有一個龍圖案。西方人過去對中國的偏見之一是:中國人都長有眼角上提的眼睛。 王靈智認為,該圖明顯地表現當事者對本屆奧運會主辦國中國人民的不尊重。他認為該圖不僅歧視、更冒犯中國人民。王靈智接受紐約郵報就此事訪問時亦表達了上述意見,他要求西班牙政府及西班牙籃協刊登聲明譴責這項歧視行為,並要求西班牙籃球協會及La Marca日報以全版刊登道歉聲明。(文:記者徐敏子)

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% B: V% C" e0 N+ V& M7 ]: c( Z- ]5 `. d公仔箱論壇有種族歧視含義?西班牙男籃合影遭媒體批評(圖)公仔箱論壇: O& f  f2 \- s# S; ?
http://news.sina.com 2008年08月12日 23:31 北京新浪網5.39.217.76$ T+ R8 _8 c8 F1 E- ^) b. H( j1 X

  P! g6 W# |' W) H; Z# Y& }" T  在西班牙男籃為一家西班牙快遞公司拍攝的廣告當中,包括加索爾兄弟在內的西班牙球員們站在畫有中國龍的地板上用手指下自己的眼皮做鬼臉。這則日前出現在了《馬卡報》上的廣告引起歐洲媒體一片指責聲。 公仔箱論壇. }4 C6 e9 Y9 O9 h0 }' F) G
3 g) `& g! a, ~6 Q$ l5 d9 U! B5.39.217.76  同樣來自英國的《每日鏡報》指出“這則廣告可能會引起正在舉辦奧運會的中國的反感,更有可能損害馬德里舉辦2016或2020年奧運會的機會”。
5 g/ E3 Z2 |( u2 H  國際奧委會將於今年10月從馬德里、芝加哥、東京和里約熱內盧當中選出2016年的奧運主辦城市。
0 m% L, q: \0 X" u1 ]; Ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  西班牙足協曾因球迷侮辱英格蘭黑人球員被國際足聯處以罰款。去年冬天在巴塞羅那的加泰羅尼亞賽道曾經發生西班牙車迷向英國黑人車手漢密爾頓打出侮辱性標語的事情。前西班牙國家足球隊主教練阿拉貢內斯4年前曾被拍到發表針對法國黑人球星亨利的種族主義言論。 R2 K7 p7 O; ?* g  e
: u8 Y9 S; I" o# @) X, M5.39.217.76
1 R1 n* Z: X7 f& a, Z! l5.39.217.76西班牙男籃國家隊廣告涉辱華
1 ^( j+ I# Z4 e. ?' T4 w3 STVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 (星島)8月13日 星期三 16:40
) R( A5 [* Z* m" f" o" Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
$ S4 T; M% j' A參加今屆北京奧運西班牙男子籃球國家隊,拍了一張備受爭議的集體扮鬼臉廣告照,被指有辱華之嫌。事緣照片中各名隊員均用兩根指頭放在臉上,把自己弄成單眼皮小眼睛的模樣,似有影射中國人的嫌疑,被指有侮辱北京主辦城市的成分。這個廣告照片是為西班牙一家速遞公司拍攝,刊於當地知名體育報章《馬卡報》( La Marca )上。這張照片刊出後,惹來愈來愈大的爭議聲音,尤其是西班牙男籃的服裝,是由有「體操王子」之稱的中國前體操國家隊主力李寧的公司贊助。李寧的體育用品公司現時是西班牙國家男子、女子籃球隊的指定運動裝備贊助商,由2004年開始贊助,最近還獲續簽4年合約。至於李寧在今屆北京奧運開幕式上負責點火炬的重任,他「吊威也式」的凌空踏步動作,最終成功燃點火炬,贏得世人一致讚賞。 由於今次廣告照中眾球員都把自己弄成單眼皮小眼睛的扮鬼臉模樣,有美國華人認為涉及種族歧視。
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/14/sports/olympics/14hoops.html1 g+ r9 ^( s/ W3 V

4 |. q1 B+ U6 |" B! H公仔箱論壇 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ G+ c, H. I. r. h9 f. D3 P( u/ g3 x
August 14, 2008
& ?; J6 F4 o* y0 W# J" q/ P. u/ Q% Q+ {9 d, N8 `
I.O.C. Calls Photo of Spanish Teams ‘Clearly Inappropriate By PETE THAMELtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# w1 E$ J' {- |9 _. d5 U; t5 U- h

) b7 W% q1 ?8 ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvbBEIJING — Pictures in a newspaper advertisement that a spokeswoman for the I.O.C. called “clearly inappropriate” have left the Spanish basketball teams apologizing for its contents. tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% e0 i6 g) i6 t$ i" e
The Spanish men’s and women’s basketball teams posed for pictures pulling on the skin behind their eyes to make it look as if they were Asian. The pictures have run in an advertisement for the Spanish courier company, Seur, in the Spanish sports daily, Marca, for the last month. 公仔箱論壇, F7 L' e* H) Y
The Spanish coach and multiple team members, many of whom play in the N.B.A., said that the picture was taken out of context and that they posed for it only after being implored to by Seur’s representatives.
: z! e% d! O% `! {3 m! l4 F" @: K5.39.217.76“If anyone feels offended by it, we totally apologize for it,” the Spanish star Pau Gasol said. “We never meant anything offensive by it.”
. ^% ?2 d. W& fEmmanuelle Moreau, a spokeswoman for the International Olympic Committee, said in an e-mail message: “We understand that the Spanish team intended no offense and has apologized. The matter rests there as far as the I.O.C. is concerned.”
; R) I8 _' l! k. M+ D* bTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Not everyone was as overtly apologetic as Gasol, who spoke Wednesday afternoon after practice at Beijing University of Language and Culture. Gasol plays in the National Basketball Association for the Lakers and could communicate more clearly with American reporters because he speaks English better than most of the teammates and coach. tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ w4 W1 J0 x7 s) S& z$ x
The Spanish Coach, Aito García Reneses, declined to apologize for the picture, which he said he had not seen. He did not appear in the picture. He said the intention was a joke. The Spanish Olympic Committee declined comment and a spokesman for the Spanish Basketball Federation said that its president, José Luis Saez, would comment after Spain’s game on Thursday.
$ E' Z/ i: j. l* P“All of the Spanish people are close to the Chinese people mentally,” Reneses said. “We have a very good relationship.”
2 a  v' h/ U6 s4 AReneses compared the intent of the picture to the Spanish team going to play a taller team and taking a picture on their tip toes. He said the intent was not offensive.
' E* X5 ^- q  P9 Y' P7 utvb now,tvbnow,bttvbGasol gave the context behind the photo, saying that the team spent three hours on the morning of July 1 posing for 100 or 200 different photos for about 10 sponsors. The pose for the Seur ad was simply one of a litany poses that day.
& _: R/ z* W$ z# [+ m9 [# H* V4 ^“Some of us didn’t feel comfortable doing it,” Gasol said. “To me it was little clownish for our part to be doing that. The sponsor insisted and insisted. They pushed because they’re the people that pay the money. It was just a bad idea to do that. It was never intended to be offensive or racist against anybody.”
% A9 {" y5 H: q5 P7 Y4 E# Dtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThe strongest reaction came on the Internet, as a global debate in comments sections has varied from Chinese being offended to people wondering if others were being too politically correct. Representatives from Seur, the N.B.A., the Chinese Olympic Committee and an editor at Marca did not respond to requests for comment. - p  S% A0 |% O: \- K( ?
The Spanish guard José Calderon said it was his understanding that the intention of the picture was for the sponsor to reach out to Asians. He became annoyed with questions about the photo, especially because news media reports mixed in with other recent moments of sporting insensitivity in Spain. Those low moments have included racial taunts at soccer matches, a coach who used an offensive word to describe the soccer star Thierry Henry and racial taunts aimed at the Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton earlier this year in Barcelona.
; T& l9 \0 W1 k/ c2 f# W: dtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb“I think it’s too much,” Calderon said. “I think some people want to mix that with things that have happened in Spain before. Spain is one of the most multicultural countries in the world.” ' D* P  N/ g# e4 S$ r9 v" Y
Gasol added that it was met with mixed reaction by the team — some of the players in the picture were not making the gesture.
% a+ b) B$ U  i6 X' ?( PTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。“I didn’t find it very funny,” Gasol said. “I didn’t find it offensive either. Some guys didn’t mind. I don’t want to be that way, I guess, doing that stuff.” tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ `" ], l) ^( q, o+ s
Jing Zhang contributed research.
+ F6 q2 y) F( @+ v! D2 H# R5.39.217.769 ?7 z7 _9 g& H
Olympics: Spain basketball team pictured in controversial pose· Advert could lead to backlash from Chinese hosts Spain's men's basketball team pose for the advert. Photograph: Public domain
6 I; ?( O; }7 T4 K( s( o, d7 |TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。+ ?0 [5 V0 p' T& o
Spain's Basketball Federation has published a good luck advert for their men's team, the world champions, in which they stand pulling at the sides of their eyes in a slit-eyed gesture.
- C4 c/ b9 e/ {/ l+ \, J) X; TThere is no obvious intention to upset their Olympic hosts in Beijing, but the irresponsible picture is likely to cause controversy and could be interpreted so as to lead to accusations of racism.
) ~1 G, V1 T# L' f3 K5 A公仔箱論壇Spanish sport has been mired in rows over racism in the last few years. In November 2004 black English footballers were subjected to relentless racial barracking from home supporters in a match in Spain. Before the World Cup there were calls for Luis Aragones, then Spain's football coach, to be sacked after he called Thierry Henry a "black shit". And last year Lewis Hamilton suffered racist abuse during testing for the Spanish grand prix near Barcelona.