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急問: 有咩software可以消dvd!!

我download左d電視劇, then 我想burn落dvd, 用電視睇, 有咩software可以change to vob and burn dvd... 最緊要可以放好多集係一隻dvd
我用過allok dvd burner, 但係我可以用computer睇, dvd 機就load 唔到
我已經用過5個software, 有4個software轉出黎容量都好大... (A-Z Video Converter Ultimate, Super DVD Creator, dvdSanta, WinAVI Video Converter 9.0)
點解唔試下 nero 既?

WINAVI 其實唔錯, 你想 file size 細 d , quality 唔好整咁高.

[ 本帖最後由 misc_acct001 於 2008-7-9 11:41 AM 編輯 ]
i suggest use nero to burn dvd after you converted the file (no matter what software) because all dvd player support nero software
i suggest use nero to burn dvd after you converted the file (no matter what software) because all dvd player support nero software