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0.9....(循環) = 1 [難題]

如何解釋: d3 x- ]* z- x/ @2 o2 W3 O8 I
/ i9 K3 B/ d% w6 Z# n8 Q
0.9....(循環) = 1
The answer is:公仔箱論壇  C" @- `- w8 L1 M! l+ t. a5 ]" q
公仔箱論壇; Z8 A" j9 Z* N; L; O; L
If 1/9=0.1...(循環)tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 r0 m( u7 m, g2 a4 b2 a2 D8 `
and then 2/9=0.2....(循環)tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 m  e) i  F, ~  K6 O& |4 u
and then 3/9=0.3....(循環)
; |! g* c, T. p  t" Dtvb now,tvbnow,bttvband then 4/9=0.4....(循環)
- y. y' Q; V5 P" g.......tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 j1 [. b* l" C. u8 }  u
and then 8/9=0.8....(循環)
1 _' n8 p  j* E
+ K1 u% n/ [/ W" Q5.39.217.76So, 9/9=0.9....(循環) =1