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Eastern Conference preview

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Eastern Conference preview



By Aaron J. Lopez, Rocky Mountain News (Contact)
Friday, April 18, 2008

1. Boston Celtics

Coach: Doc Rivers (playoff record 8-14).

Team MVP: Kevin Garnett. "The Big Ticket" brought attitude and leadership to
Boston and anchored the team on both ends of the floor.

指標球員:Kevin Garnett。KG為波士頓帶來態度與領導力,是塞爾提克攻守的靠山。

Unsung hero: Rajon Rondo. The second-year point guard, perhaps Boston's
biggest question mark heading into the season, proved himself capable of
steering the cruise ship.

無名英雄:Rajon Rondo。這位二年級生可能是波士頓開季前最大的問號,但證明了他能掌


Eye-popping stat of the season: Plus-42 - After winning 24 games last season,
the Celtics enjoyed the biggest one-year turnaround in NBA history.


Title talk: Odds-on favorites to win it all. Showdowns loom with
battle-hardened Detroit and whichever team survives the slugfest in the West.



2. Detroit Pistons

Coach: Flip Saunders (playoff record 37-44).

Team MVP: Richard Hamilton, the Reggie Miller of the 21st century. Hamilton
is tireless without the ball and the Pistons are 20-4 when he scores at least
20 points.

指標球員:Richard Hamilton。21世紀的Reggie Miller,無球狀態體力無限,只要他能得


Unsung hero: Tayshaun Prince. One of the game's best two-way players also is
an ironman (412 consecutive games). More NBA titles (one) than All-Star

無名英雄:Tayshaun Prince。最好的全能球員之一,也是個鐵人(連續出賽412場)。冠軍


Eye-popping stat of the season: 34-1 - Detroit's record when scoring at least
100 points.


Title talk: The Pistons will draw motivation from being overshadowed by the
Celtics. That should make for a coin flip of a conference final.



3. Orlando Magic

Coach: Stan Van Gundy (playoff record 17-11).

Team MVP: Dwight Howard. Everything revolves around the big man, who led the
NBA with 69 double- doubles, including eight games with at least 20 points and
20 rebounds.

指標球員:Dwight Howard。球隊的一切都跟這個大個有關,本季69次雙十全聯盟第一,其


Unsung hero: Hedo Turkoglu. The favorite to win NBA's Most Improved Player
award leads the Magic in fourth-quarter scoring (6.1 points).

無名英雄:Hedo Turkoglu。最佳進步獎強力候選人,是隊中的第四節先生(6.1分)。

Eye-popping stat of the season: 5 - The minimum number of three-pointers made
by the Magic in every game this season. Orlando made 18 threes against Memphis
on Jan. 23.


Title talk: The Magic put together a nice season, but beating Detroit and
Boston in back-to-back rounds might be asking too much.



4. Cleveland Cavaliers

Coach: Mike Brown (playoff record 19-14).

Team MVP: LeBron James. It took James fewer than five seasons to become the
franchise's scoring leader. The Cavaliers are 0-7 this season when he is out of
the lineup.

指標球員:LeBron James。只花了五季就在得分榜榜上有名,當他沒有上場時,騎士本季0


Unsung hero: Delonte West. Not the biggest name in Cleveland's trade-deadline
deal, but the fourth-year guard has settled into the starting lineup.

無名英雄:Delonte West。並不是公牛騎士交易中最顯眼的名字,但這位四年級後衛已經


Eye-popping stat of the season: 1 - NBA scoring leader in franchise history.
That would be James, whose 30.0 average was 1.7 points better than Kobe Bryant.

值得注意的數據:平均30.0分James本季拿下得分王,比第二名的Kobe Bryant多1.7分。

Title talk: As James showed last spring, he single-handedly can lead the
Cavaliers to the Finals. The task will be tougher this year, but the Cavaliers
are a nice sleeper pick.



5. Washington Wizards

Coach: Eddie Jordan (playoff record 6-14).

Team MVP: Caron Butler. Though Antawn Jamison has better numbers, Butler is
more indispensable. The Wizards were 10-14 without him compared with 33-25 with

指標球員:Caron Butler。雖然Antawn Jamison數據比較好,但Butler更不可或缺。有他


Unsung hero: Roger Mason Jr. Increased his scoring average by more than six
points, giving the Wizards an option off the bench.

無名英雄:Roger Mason Jr.。他的得分上升到六分以上,提供巫師板凳上的另一個選擇。

Eye-popping stat of the season: 29 - Years since Washington previously put
together four consecutive plus-.500 seasons.


Title talk: Gilbert Arenas' return might not be the best thing for a team
that played well without its shoot- first point guard, but a first- round
victory is reasonable.

有關總冠軍:Gilbert Arenas的回歸對於球隊來說可能不是好事,但是第一輪過關應是合


6. Toronto Raptors

Coach: Sam Mitchell (playoff record 2-4).

Team MVP: Chris Bosh. Mr. Consistency averaged 22.3 points after seasons of
22.6 and 22.5. CB4 has a chance to raise his profile by winning a playoff

指標球員:Chris Bosh。公務員CB4本季平均22.3分,之前分別是22.6分及22.5分。他有機


Unsung hero: Jose Calderon. The point guard played like an All-Star after
starter T.J. Ford was injured in December and became the 11th player in the
past 20 seasons with a 5-to-1 assists-to-turnovers ratio.

無名英雄:Jose Calderon。在12月先發控衛T.J. Ford受傷後,這位球員交出先發等級表


Eye-popping stat of the season: 27 - Games in which the Raptors committed
fewer than than 10 turnovers. They are 16-11 in those games.


Title talk: Capable of winning a first-round matchup with Orlando but would
be a long shot in a potential second-round date with Detroit.



7. Philadelphia 76ers

Coach: Maurice Cheeks (playoff record 3-7).

Team MVP: Andre Iguodala. Gradually has assumed a leadership role since the
"other" A.I. was traded to Denver last season. Scoring average (19.9) is a
career best.

指標球員:Andre Iguodala。在上季大A.I.被交易到丹佛後,他漸漸的成為球隊的領導人。


Unsung hero: Andre Miller. Sometimes looks as though he just rolled out of
bed, and probably could hand out 10 assists in his sleep.

無名英雄:Andre Miller。有時候看起來像是剛起床,但卻可能在睡夢中交出十助攻。

Eye-popping stat of the season: 8.8 - Miller's three-point field goal
percentage, bringing his career mark near the Mendoza Line (20.3).


之20.3。(Mendoza Line是棒球術語)

Title talk: The 76ers nearly pulled off a winning record after being 12 games
under .500 earlier in the season, but the turnaround magic ends in the first
round against Detroit.



8. Atlanta Hawks

Coach: Mike Woodson (first playoff appearance).

Team MVP: Josh Smith. One of the league's most athletic players. Often dunks
at one end of the floor and immediately swats a shot at the other.

指標球員:Josh Smith。聯盟中體能最好的球員之一,常常在一邊剛灌完籃,就飛到另一邊


Unsung hero: Josh Childress. Swingman out of Stanford has the ability to play
multiple positions and boasts the coolest Afro since Dr. J ruled the ABA.

無名英雄:Josh Childress。史丹佛出產的搖擺人,能打多種位置,也讓統治ABA的Dr. J


Eye-popping stat of the season: 37 - Victories that enabled the Hawks to
qualify for the playoffs. They would have finished 12th in the Western


Title talk: The Hawks failed to make much of a push after acquiring veteran
point guard Mike Bibby and will do well to avoid a first-round sweep.

有關總冠軍:在得到老經驗的控衛Mike Bibby之後,老鷹也沒能因此一飛沖天,不過他能



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