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[賽車] RML to build Chevrolets for new World Touring Car rules

RML is close to finalising an agreement to design and produce Chevrolets to the World Touring Car Championship's new 2014 regulations.
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3 m2 V' T9 W5 Q% ^4 G" h8 Ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvbAUTOSPORT understands RML has already begun work on the 2014 project, although it still needs to firm up a few key details before officially signing off the build. D) L1 \2 `( Y+ r3 U% p; \
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The team will be able to use the shell of its existing cars to expedite the process, ensuring it can carry accumulated data across to what will be a completely new car.! P+ U2 {6 H& E, A! j  H# e- B

% D( _1 S% Q2 j! n) i5.39.217.76It is not yet clear whether RML will act purely as a supplier or whether it will also run its own programme. The team has won the last four WTCC drivers' titles, and took Chevrolet to three straight manufacturers' crowns between 2010 and '12.
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It is also not yet apparent whether the deal comes with increased support from Chevrolet, which pulled out of the championship at the end of 2012. G8 }' D+ Z3 @9 X8 a! z' f! i

) j) T, I, y* y+ C' z# }/ VWhile the team declined to officially comment, AUTOSPORT understands RML believes it will be possible to build at least six new cars in time for the first race of 2014.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  q# W, v) T3 j& X2 F7 P7 ]4 T5 e
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That would mean at least 16 2014-spec cars for next year, with Honda committed to building four and both Citroen and Lada planning to operate three cars in 2014.+ `# v! i$ }0 t) t# V7 J
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"We have a plan, but we need confirmation," series promoter Marcello Lotti told AUTOSPORT.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& G( ?! L, E# x5 m$ v
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"If everything works we will have maybe six more cars. We will know before Suzuka, because after that it will be too late."